[7] soccer

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Yesterday I spent the whole day hanging out with my friends and having fun. I love it when we hang out without talking about boys or whom they slept with. I went back home very late and that made my dad really angry. He hates when I get home late after hanging out with my friends. He hates Tamara and Medina, because he knows what they do and that they disrespect our religion with their knowledge. When I came back home my dad and I argued for about half an hour, I know he cares about me and loves me but he has to trust me. He knows that I'm not that type of girl who shares myself. After that I went back to sleep and didn't talk to my father. 

Now when I'm dressed and ready for school I need to apologize to my father, I can't ignore him. He's my father after all. I walk downstairs and saw my sister eating her breakfast alone, my sister's name is Aliah and she's 24 years old. '' Good morning. '' She says with a smile on her face. '' Morning Aliah. '' I smile back at her. '' Where's Baba? '' I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders. '' I think he went out with Mama. '' She says and I nod. '' Then I'll meet you after school. '' I say and walk out. '' Don't you need a ride? '' She asks from the kitchen. '' Nah, It's fine. See you later! '' I say.

When I arrived at school I walked towards my locker and threw my stuff into it. I looked at my schedule. and saw that I had P.E class, wait who will be our teacher again? Right, Mr.Bashar.


'' Your chips? It's for our second kid. '' He jokes and I felt how hot my face became. 

I ran after him but he was to fast, '' We should call our first kid Adel and our second Ameer and our third Mohammed. '' 

End Of Flashback

I felt how my face became all red and how hot I became. How can he joke like that! Ugh, I was so embarrassed at that moment, I don't want to think about it anymore! I slapped my forehead and walked towards the gym. When I walked in I saw Medina sitting on a bench with a bunch of other guys and girls. I walk over to her and when she sees me she hugs me tightly. '' Rasha! '' She says in excitement. '' Come sit beside me. '' She says and we sat next to each other. '' So you have this class too? '' I ask and she nods. '' YesYesYes! And guess who we have, Mr.Bashar! '' She says and I chuckle. '' I know. '' I tell her as she giggles. A few seconds later I see Tariq and his friends coming into the gym. He lays his eyes on me and smiles. He walks towards me, '' Ugh, please no. '' I sigh. '' Morning, Princess. '' He says as he takes a seat beside me. 

I roll my eyes and nod. Then we see Mr.Bashar coming in, he was wearing a t-shirt that showed off his abs and shorts. His hair was a little unfixed but he looked cute, WAIT DID I JUST CALL HIM CUTE EUWWW HIS UGLY! He looked around and when his eyes laid on me he smirked, but when he noticed Tariq sitting beside me he's expression turned into an unimpressed one. '' Good morning. '' He says looking. '' Good morning! '' Everyone says. '' He's so hot! '' Medina says as she pinches me. '' Ouch! '' I almost shouted.  '' Sorry. '' She says and giggles. 

'' Soccer or basket? '' He asked looking around. I think all the girls voted on Basket and the boys in soccer. Honestly, I loved soccer. I used to play it with my father when I was a kid and I still play it sometimes. Mr.Bashar looked at me, '' Rasha, what do you want to play? '' He asked. What the, why did he suddenly just ask me? '' Umm, Soccer. '' I said, he smiled and nodded. '' Then soccer It will be. '' He said and all the boys cheered. '' Ugh! She just wants the guys attention. '' I heard someone say but I ignored it. Tariq took me by the wrist, '' Let's be on the same team. '' He smiles at me. 

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