[28] overthinking?

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A picture of Maria Adams.



''Maria, what are you talking about?'' My heart raced faster than it had ever done in years, her words were something I couldn't understand but my heart could. ''I have a boyfriend, and yesterday he proposed to me. I'm getting married to him in a few months.''

I looked at her like I wanted her to tell me it was only a joke, that she was trying to prank me. But she looked so serious, I've never seen her like this. ''Baby, what are you saying? I'm your boyfriend, we have been together for a year now? Wh-''

''Saiid, I haven't told you this before. We were never something serious, we were only something temporary. When I needed someone to talk to, I went to you, when I needed someone to make me feel better, I went to you. And when I needed to feel loved I went to you. My fiance is complicated.''

Every little piece of me broke, I couldn't believe what she was telling me. ''That's why you wanted our relationship a secret? That's why you never wanted to meet my friends and that why you asked me to keep our relationship a secret from everyone around us?''

''I'm glad you understood now, I'm sorry Saiid. But I can't leave Connor. He is the one I love, more than anyone else. And I hope for you to find the one you love too someday. You will find her soon.''

''No, no baby I don't want anyone else but you. Maria please don't leave me like this. You can't leave me like this, I need you. I love you. Please stay.''

She slowly leans in closer to me and kisses my cheek, then she looks at me with a smile. ''Thank you for everything you've done for me. I don't know what I would've done without you.''

I see her get out of the car and wave goodbye before she walks into her house.

End Of Flashback

''Maria?'' I look at her with a confused expression, what was she doing here? I haven't seen her in years and she appears in front of me like nothing? A big smile appears on her face as she flips her hair like she always used to do. She took a few steps closer to me, ''I can't believe I'm looking at you right now. How long has it been since we last met?''

''I don't know, I never counted,'' I replied with a low tone. She chuckles as she looks around, then she looks at Rasha and Donia. ''You know, Saiid has always been funny. He always puts you in a good mood when you feel sad or angry.''

I look at Rasha who's raising her brows like she is already annoyed by Maria's existence. "Oh? You must have been very close a few years ago?" Right now all I felt stress. I was panicking, I didn't want Rasha to know anything about Maria. I've never told her about Maria, and I've told her that I've never loved anyone but her, but I lied. I couldn't tell her about Maria. I was ashamed of myself. I haven't even told my friends about her.

"You can say that. Saiid was someone I trusted with my heart, and I still do." She looks back at me with a simple smile. I don't know what she was trying to do, and I don't know why she decided to appear here like nothing after years.

''It's nice to see you again, Maria.'' I said. I don't know if I meant it, but what could I even say? She nod and looked deeply into me, It felt like she missed me. She missed everything about me, her eyes told me everything. I don't know if I even felt the same.

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