[20] bandage.

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While I'm sitting on the bus to school I try to close my eyes and rest for a little bit. I couldn't sleep a wink last night, I tried but I couldn't stop thinking about Mr.Bashar and that kiss. That fucking kiss destroyed me, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I even counted sheeps to 1269 and still couldn't sleep. And what he said, gosh my heart. That he loves me, he really said he loves me. But It doesn't make any sense, I thought I was the one who liked him. I'm his student, and he's my teacher. We shouldn't have gotten this close from the whole beginning, this is wrong. Our feelings, god everything is wrong.

Stagfrullah, ya ilahi please forgive me for my actions. Forgive me for what I've done, forgive me for everything else I'm about to do in this life that is wrong. I will try, try to make everything right even everything is wrong in my life. Please keep me safe from everything that will harm me and my family.

Now I should take care of the rest. Rule number one, Act like nothing happened yesterday. Rule number two, avoid Mr.Bashar. Rule number three, stop acting emotional because you're about to drop your Crown. Period!

Offf, that's easy. Right?

When I walk into school I saw the other students laughing, joking, and arguing as usual. I walk over to my friends who are leaning on their lockers. When they lay their eyes on me smiles appear on their faces. ''Rasha! My girl! We missed you.'' Medina laughs. I roll my eyes and folded my arms. ''Sure, missed me.'' I said locking up my locker.

''Are you feeling better?'' I heard Tamara ask. I looked over to her, yes I lied about me feeling sick. That's because I didn't dare to face Mr.Bashar, I couldn't after that kiss. I fake cough before I answer, ''Well, yes um... just *cough* a little sore throat.'' I replied with a weak smile. Donia caresses my back, ''Inshallah you'll feel better soon.'' She adds. Pfft, I could easily trick these bitches. ''Oh my god girl, tomorrow is your birthday!'' I see Medina jump around. Right, I almost forgot.

The girls look at me confused, ''Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday!'' Tamara widens her eyes. I mean how could I not when that kiss is destroying my mind. ''You're really weird, how could someone forget their own birthday,'' Medina chuckles.

As we're on our way to separated classes we talk a little more. ''Yeah, but literally. It was so boring without you yesterday.'' Medina huffed. I smirk and shrug my shoulders, ''What can I say?'' I flip my hijab like it was my hair and they laugh. Tamara wraps her arm around my shoulder. ''So, what really happened between you and Mr.Bashar yesterday? You made him search for you around the whole school.''

They laugh and I wide my eyes, Saiid searched for me around the whole school? Wha- But, oh gosh why am I feeling bad. Rasha, remember! Act as nothing happened, avoid him and stop being so fucking emotional! ''Um... we, how should I explain. We had a small fight, nothing more.'' I stutter. ''Are you sure he didn't kiss you?'' Medina winks at me. I wide my eyes at her, how did she know? But I-

I hear them burst out laughing, ''I'm just kidding, look at her.'' They continued to laugh and I fake laughed with them to keep up with the act. Damn, this is scaring the shit out of me.

When I finish my first class, which is chemistry, Ms.Gardenia asks me to stay behind. Mrs.Gardenia is my homeroom teacher, so when I have done something wrong or my grades are about to fall down she talks to me. I really like her, she's kind and she's really funny. When everyone left she lays her eyes on me. ''Rasha, you know I care about and cherish you so much.'' She caresses my arm.

I give her a confusing smile and nod. Why is she acting like this? I'm getting scared. ''And these days, I don't know, you look like you're going through stuff. So if you have something in mind, tell me. You can see me as your friend and not teacher, I'll always be here to help.'' She says with a worried tone.

His Silly Student - Love Story Between A Teacher & A Student | ✓Where stories live. Discover now