Chapter 7

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A soothing voice woke me up I saw him practicing singing then he suddenly realized I woke up and he stopped singing and asked me "How are you feeling now?"                                        "Idiot how dare you to let me sleep like that, I am not at my home"
And he not commented anything on this and replied
"If you are feeling better now you can join the class"
"OK sir" I said after realizing my mistake

In class,
"Students as we know music is a expression of emotion and we need a instrument to produce it so you all should know to play atleast one instrument"
And then I thought it will be boring but back then I really wanted to learn guitar because I have seen singers in their concerts playing guitar and I like the sound coming from it.
Opinions were taken on instruments and guitar and flute were selected then he started giving lessons on those instruments he was not only playing it he was also dancing and jumping and running around the class which made students laugh very hard . I never felt music class that interesting before I mean he was acting so cute and yes he is so cute like a bunny .
And the music class ended when he left the class and everybody stood up to pack their bags I was at the way of going home but principal sir called me
I bowed to him and asked why he called me he replied
"Can you just keep those files in my office"
"Ofcourse sir why not"
And I started walking towards principal 
Kim namjoon sir's cabin and found it out and kept books on table , when I heard some noises

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