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Emma's POV

School has started and all is going well, Nick's tour is over and now we can spend more time together. Zoey, Cat, Magy and I all decided to go to school together on the first day. Nick was going to meet me at my new locker. We all drove in Cat's new car, rocking out to one direction. I told the girls I would meet them at lunch so we could all sit together.

I went to my locker to meet Nick and get my books. When I turned the corner I saw what I never thought I would see: this popular cheerleader mooching on my boyfriend! I turned back and cried in the bathroom, luckily Zoey came in and saw me. I told her what happened and she said she never liked Nick anyway. After the situation was over I met Nick at the table we always sit at. I sat down next to him and played it off like I never saw anything.

After a few minutes I went to go buy my lunch. I grabbed a mini pie and went to go sit back down next to Nick, but then I decided to do one of those things where the girlfriend gets mad at the boyfriend kind of move.

I went over to Nick and took my pie and shoved it in his face and screamed; "We're over!" Then Cat, Magy, and Zoey came over and walked me out of the room.

Magy's POV

"Enjoy." I said to myself as Nick's face boiled with anger. I tried to contain my laughter.

He deserved to be heartbroken but Emma didn't. After she put up with never seeing him, how in the world could he do that? I just don't know how to help her.

After the bell screamed for us to leave we were all herded out of the classroom. I went to meet Noah in the gym for his game. I walked in and instantly understood how Emma was feeling. I didn't know how to react so I texted my dad to hurry and come pick me up. I dreaded having to tell him what happened.

Noah must have heard the door shut and I heard my phone start ringing loudly. I didn't want to answer, but it seemed like I didn't have a choice.

"What?" I spat.

The silence coming from Noah seemed to scream at me, opening the flood gates. I ended the call so he wouldn't hear me cry. Finally, Dad arrived. He comforted me but didn't really know how to say that he knew how I felt. I had loved Noah, he was mine, I was his, but not anymore and never again.

Zoeys POV

During lunch, I found Emma and she told me about Nick. I tried to comfort her and tell her how much I didn't like him, but when they started dating he grew on me, until now with the pie thing. But, I have to admit it was pretty clever.

After lunch I headed to my locker and this kid walked up and tried to get into the locker next to mine. I thought it was pretty weird that he just came out of no where. I turned to say hey but he was staring at me. I looked up since he was nearly 5 inches taller than me and I saw his eyes.

When you think of hazel eyes you think of green and brown but these were not anything like hazel. They were so pretty, I realized that t I was staring. I heard him mumble jubberish over and over again, but I was zoned out, then he ran off. He said the bell was ringing. I didn't get his name, but I hoped to see him soon.

Cat's POV

I really did feel bad for Emma. I can't believe I thought Nick was ever a nice guy because everything he's done today makes him a complete and utter jerk.

When the bell rang I instantly ran to class. English 4, lucky me. Actually, I had a bit to look forward to as I sat beside Phil in that class, he is my neighbor. Phil is really cheery and is always enthusiastic, when we speak it is fun.

I plopped into my desk and watched Phil stare at the board in horror. Then I decided to discover why. I then realized that we have a test today, I didn't study. I thought it was next week. Well, I'm doomed.

"Welcome! Class, you all need to complete this packet that I will be passing out. It is a test grade so no talking," Mrs. Smith explains while she distributed the thick copy of the test. When I receive mine I struggle to circle the correct answers.

I turn in the packet and walk back to my desk. I can't believe I just bombed my test. I feel terrible.

When the bell rings, Phil and I walk out of class and out of school completely. He suggested we go back to my flat since I was so upset.

Phil is very sweet, but he isn't really the right person to talk with about drama. I mean, another girl to rant with would be better. I think I should text Magy, Zoey and Emma...


- Jackie
- Magy
- Grace
- Megan

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