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Zoey's POV

Jamison is the sweetest boy I have ever met. After our big group date with the squad, we have went out on a couple more. Since the school year just started he has been busy with sports. He's the quarterback for the Pirates. One night he picked me up in his rusty jeep that I love and we went to a cliff that looks over the town. He parked the car and we just laid on the ground and gazed at the glistening stars. They were so beautiful and I was just filled with joy.

At school our group is not really together much since we have some different classes now, so we decided everyone would meet up at lunch and talk about the day. I guess you can say we are the popular group of the school. Today at lunch I didn't see Em so I decided to go look for her. I existed the lunch room quickly and ran around the halls scoping for my little blonde friend and I finally found her in the bathroom. All I heard was sobbing.

I walk up the only locked stall and knock softly against the cheap metal door, "Em is that you?"

"Please just leave me alone Zoey!" I hear the hurt and sorrow that seeped through Emma's cries.

"Dude, tell me what's wrong."I push on. Abruptly, she walked out of the stall and into my arms. I wiped the tears off of her face comfortingly.

"Cameron told me he was leaving for Europe for 2 months!" Emma wails as she nuzzles her face into my shoulder.

"Oh my God! Why‽"I pat her back in attempt to calm the situation.

"He is going on tour with his f-friends and," Emma pauses with a few tears cascading down her soft cheeks, "he d-doesn't want to do long distance."

"Awwh Em its ok when he gets back you guys can get back together and go back to normal. I bet he just wants a break while he's gone."

Magy's POV

Hayes and I have been dating for about 1 month now and he's amazing, but I kinda like this other boy named Grayson. He's tall with dark brown hair with blue eyes(like Hayes). Hayes can be  really confusing and kind of moody at times, but I still can't help but like him.

Emma's POV

Cam and I have been dating for a couple months now and it's great! I love him so much, I don't know what I would do without him he's so caring of my feelings and always wants the best for me. This morning when I was getting ready to go to school I got a phone call from him.

"Hey babe how's it going?", said Cam.

"Good, I'm so excited to meet you tonight!", I said excitedly over the phone.

"Yeah, that's why I'm calling I can't come tonight." Cam said with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Why!!" I said worried.

"My friends and I are going to Europe for 2 months and I don't think I can do the long distance relationship. I'm so sorry"

"If that's what you want. I think that might be best for our relationship." I said with my voice shaking on the brake of tears.

I hung up I couldn't listen to his voice any longer.I thought he actually loved me!! I went to my first couple classes, but when lunch came I ran into the bathroom and started crying hysterically. I loved him so much and he just treated me like a doormat! I heard Zoey's soft voice when she walked in, she asked me what was wrong. I told her what happened and she comforted me. She told me I could find someone better than him. I hope she's right I've had too many bad relationships so far in my life.

Cat's POV

So today was crap. To start it off I got a text from Ed saying that he couldn't hang out with me tonight. I don't know why, but he's been a bit distant these past few days. I mean, the movie date went amazing and all the girls got a kick out of his jokes.I plan on talking with him about it soon, when the time is right.

At lunch time I was welcomed by the tears of Emma. Apparently, her and Cameron are having a tough time as he is moving to Europe. I honestly don't care. I mean I care about Emma and hope she is okay but I never really got to know Cameron. Not to sound like a brat but I don't really think he's all that welcoming to my presence.

Words can not describe how angry I am. Cameron could've actually met her in person rather than breaking the news over a gosh darn phone call. I can't respect a man that is so much of a wimp that he can't even break his girlfriends' heart in person.

I have a crap ton of homework and studying to take care of too. One girl versus drama, school and her own lousy self. This is too much.


- Grace
- Maggie
- Jackie
- Megan

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