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Cats POV

I was so shocked to see the school name on the bus. I may not know much about Hayes Grier, but I know that's his school. He is here to play football!

The Hayes Grier and his teammates step out of the bus in an orderly fashion. I look at Magy only to see her having a mini spasm and she flails around. I screwed my eyes shut, horrified to open them as she was doomed to fall.

Eventually, I open my eyes about to go tend to my friend when I realize something. Magy never hit the ground. She was caught, Hayes had caught her. I scurry over to Magy as she is cradled in Hayes' arms. She has both of her eyes shut, unconscious.

"Is she okay? I saw her about to fall so I was quick to move and catch her." Hayes quickly mutters in alarm.

I just smiled, if Magy were awake she'd be crying. "I think she'll be fine, thanks to you. Yeah, so uh thanks for catching my friend." I awkwardly trail off.

I never thought I'd ever say those words, but here I am, "Mind if you'd help me take her to the nurse's office? I am not strong enough."

"Of course! She is mighty pretty!" Hayes says as he studies Magy's facial features. "What's her name?" He asks. By now Hayes' team has gone to warm up for the game so Hayes and I were slowly walking to the front office where the nurse is.

"It's Magy," I shakily reply.

Once Hayes and I are at the office, Hayes places Magy on the crappy bed in the corner. He then takes a seat next to me on the waiting chairs, on the other side of the room. We both sit there in silence as the nurse examines my best friend.

"Eh, she'll be fine." The nurse explains as she leaves the room. Quite rudely might I add.

Hayes insisted on waiting for Magy to wake up as the game wasn't as important as her well being. For the next 10 minutes he is interrogating me about Magy. I think he likes her... a lot. While Hayes is mid-sentence we both hear a gasp.

"What happened? Where am I?" Magy asks very confused.

Zoey's POV

As Em and I saw the players head on the field, I looked over and saw Cat but no Magy. Then I went over and saw Magy being carried away in the one and only Hayes Grier's arms. I adore him but not as much as her.

I started to walk back when I bump my body into a giant. Well to me he was a giant. He was about 6'2 and it felt like I ran into a wall. It was Matt, Matt Espinosa.

I whipped my head up to meet Matt's eyes, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm such a cluts."

"Hey girl, you came to watch the game?" The handsome guy asks me.

"Yeah, I'm Zoey. You?"

"Matt!"He giggles and holds out his hand.

I shake his hand and reply, "Nice to meet you, Matt."

"Could I get your number, Zoe?" He hands me his phone and I create a contact for myself called, "Zoe" with my number in it. I can't believe I just met a famous person. Actually, two famous people.

Emma's POV

Zoey and I were about to walk onto the bleachers when out of no where, we are just standing there in awe. There is Hayes Grier carrying Magy off towards the school! We asked Cat what happened but she seemed to be off in a rush so we kept walking.

Zoey and I started off towards the bleachers until Zoey knocked into Matthew Espinosa, Zoey just stood there in amazement then started talking to him. I decided to go off and find a seat for us to sit at and watch the game, A couple minutes later Zoey joined me in excitement. She told me she gave Mathew her number and that was the end of that! She just could not stop talking about him. I was so happy for Zoey, I haven't seen her this joyed in so long. Later on Magy joined us accompanied with Cat and Hayes Grier with his arm around her shoulder.


- Megan
- Grace
- Jackie

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