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Emma's POV

I recently got a job at a frozen yogurt store called The Mango. It's actually pretty fun considering it's my first job. Sadly, the whole squad does not work together. Luckily, Cat and I have a great time. I am in charge of serving the frozen yogurt.

After work we go to each other's house and chill after a long day at work. This following Monday is back to school and honestly I'm really nervous.  Cam is gone. He has not contacted me ever since he left. I am actually happy about it; my life is drama free.

My parents have been hastling me about money for college. It is very stressful, I think I might have to get a second job because my parents recently went through a divorce and it's been hard for my mom to keep up financially. I feel bad for her, she tries to give me everything I need and I feel like I make it really hard for her.

I have been looking at colleges since the New Year's break ended and I think Cat and I are interested in the same field so we have been college searching together. The four of us went house shopping on Saturday and we found some really nice penthouses to live in. Magy's parents offered to pay for the house so of course we aren't gonna turn it down because her parents are crazy rich.

On Monday we had class. It was torture. I felt like the day would never end it was so long. Although, I heard there was this new kid that started attending our school and apparently he's really cute. I haven't actually seen him yet but I think his name is Caleb. At lunch I sat with the girls and we shared our winter vacation with each other. That's when I saw him, Caleb, brown hair, brown eyes, and he was really cute. Zoey kept tapping on me bc I was in my own world staring straight at him.

Then came last period, I just wish the day was over. My last class is free period because I finished all my English classes early bc I'm advanced. Once the bell rang I practically knocked everyone over just trying to get out of school. I saw Cat, Magy, and Zoey walking to their rides, so I caught up with them. We talked for awhile then we had to go out seperate ways. I was forced to walk home because my mom was working late and my car was getting worked on by a mechanic. Since I had extra cash I decided to go to the mall and treat myself with a new outfit.

While I was walking I took a shortcut to get to the mall which involves going down an alley. I saw a group of kids I recognized from school and knew that they were trouble.They are the kind of kids that do drugs and play around with weapons. It was too late they spotted me I didn't know what to do I started running.

I almost made it down the alley when I felt a sharp pain tingle up my body, it was painful. I turned around and I saw a huge knife sticking out of my leg. I continued running, I felt myself losing consciousness from losing too much blood. They were still running after me, then a miracle happened. Caleb was running towards me with some of his friends. I fell to the ground and the last thing I remember is Caleb catching me.


- Jackie

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