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Emma's POV

I wake up in a fuzz. I don't remember what happened exactly. I glance over to the corner of the room and see Cat sitting in a chair. She looks very tired and overwhelmed.

"What happened, how long have I been asleep?" I said worriedly.

"You have been asleep for about 5 days now. Em I'm sorry to say this but you have overcome 2 surgeries and all were successful. But the doctor will be in here soon to catch you up on all the details."

I look around the room once more. I see balloons and small gifts across my entire room. There is an IV tube sticking into my skin and it feels like a small pitch throughout my whole body. That is when I see my doctor come in.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor asks while looking at my chart.

"I feel like my whole body has collapsed before me, I can't really feel anything right now." I say a little annoyed.

"That is probably how you are going to be feeling for another couple of days. I do have a very important question to ask you though." the doctor says.

I send a glance over to Cat a little confused of what the doctor may ask me. What more do they need to do to my body. I feel enough pain as it is, but I tell my doctor to continue.

"You will need to undergo one last surgery if you choose. If you take the surgery there is the possibly that you won't be able to walk again. If you don't take the surgery you will be able to walk but only for a certain amount of distance." said the doctor.

"If I take the surgery is there a possibility that I can walk again without worrying about the distance." I said.

"Yes, by taking the surgery there is a 50/50 chance one of those results will be the outcome." says the doctor

"I will have to think about it but thank you for informing me." I said even more worried now hearing the news.

I look over at Cat with a worried glance, with tears nearly breaking through. She noticed the look on my face and embraced me in a huge hug. I didn't know what to do. Should I take the surgery and risk my ability to walk? Cat told me that Caleb has been visiting me everyday since I came to the hospital. She updated me on what happened and it all started coming back to me piece by piece.

"Your mom will be here soon. She had to take a business call. Do you need anything before I go home?" says Cat.

"No I think I am as good as I can possibly be." I said almost not wanting Cat to leave me.

Cat leaves the room with one last look at me before she leaves. I look outside the window noticing that I am on a very high level. Then I hear a knock on my door. Caleb slowly enters my room and takes a seat by my bed. He looks at me with a worried glance.

"How are you doing?" Caleb says.

"I'm starting to get sick and tired of that question" I say laughing.

He just laughs and looks at me in the eyes. I didn't realize how cute he looks until now.

"Sorry I have to leave, but I just wanted to check in on you."

"Thanks" I say.

I watch him leave the room and give me one more quick glance before he leaves. He gave me the cutest smile before exiting the room.

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