Chapter 1

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~Karl's POV~
Cold... Everything feels so... Cold..


I was on the floor, wounds all over my body, my face is messed up, lots of cuts over my body "I should've listen to him.." i stand up hissing in pain due to my wounds, i walk up the stairs to my room

I went to the bathroom to clean myself up, while looking for my first aid kit i saw myself on the mirror
"... He was right... I'm useless..." I looked at the mirror for a good second then snapped out to continue finding my first aid kit

I found it and i fixed myself, after i wrap wounds i went out of the bathroom and went to my bed
Laying down, i had nothing to do so i took my phone, i turned it on and saw a few missed calls from Hannah, i open up my texting app went to Hannah's contact and called her, she immediately answered
"KARL?! are you ok!? I have been calling you over and over again! You didn't picked up! Did he.. did he do it again..?" I can hear the worry in her voice, i answered truthfully even tho i didn't want to "yeah.. he did..." "Oh karl.. i wished i was there" she answered with sadness in her voice "it's ok lil sis, i can take care of myself, what matters is that you are save and far away from that monster" she sighs and the call went silent for a moment, it wasn't an embarrassing silent although it was kinda uncomfortable for me, idk to her so i stayed silent, she finally broke the silence after a good 2 minutes "hey i wanna stream bedwars, are you up for it?" Trying to make me feel better, she has always been that type of person "I'd love to, but i need to keep planing on the Tales From The SMP" "alright, but before i go, ... Can i... See you're face..? I just- Y'know..." I listened to her saying those words, i didn't want to make her worried, but then again she is very stubborn at these situation
So i switch to face time, she answered and i already had my face in front of the camera, she stared at me and start to have water forming in her eyes "hey hey, don't cry, I'll be ok! I promise, shh don't cry, you'll ruin your beautiful face" i said so she'll at least calm down, it breaks my heart to see my little sister cried, but my attempt failed as i see tears flowing down her face "i- i don't want to... see you l-ike, why can't you jus-t live with me...? Away- from him... that monst-er...?" She said in between sobs
"I can't hannah, if i escape he'll hunt for you and hurt you, he'll hurt everyone that i love... I'm sorry, but i promise we'll meet again in person without that monster, i hope somewhere in the near future" i said and saw she had calmed down "alright... I'll start streaming now if that's ok" "it's alright, but redo you're make up, it'll a little messed up" she giggled a little bit "ok then, stay save big bro" i said my goodbye and we end call

I looked at my phone smiling a little to myself "at least she's save" i thought to my self "I don't think 'father' will be back soon, probably tomorrow" i looked at the time on my phone '12.00 am' i sigh, i didn't have anything to do so i went to my computer and hop into the SMP, i pressed tab to see who is online
I was planning to talk to someone but then thought that they were roleplaying and i didn't want to bother them, so i went to my library in kinoko kingdom to renovate it cause there was only one more slot for TFTSMP and my idea was still a long way to go for the series, i build there for a while then Quackity whispered to me
Quackity: hey wanna vc?
I whispered back
Karl Jacobs: yeah sure!
I went to the vc he was in
"EEEEY KARLOS!" I flinch at the scream but calm down cause i know that it was Quackity's and not my father, i quickly put on my mask and answered "QUACKITY!!" I screamed, luckily my father wasn't here, or not he would've beat me up again, we talked for while hanging out on the smp, also talking to chat until Quackity said "alright, I'm tired that's all chat! See you on the next stream bye!" I also said my goodbye to Quackity's chat and he ended stream, Quackity yawns "alright, I'll go to bed I'm tired, talk to you later Karl" "k! Talk to you later!" He left vc and i also left vc went to twitter and scroll through it while responding to my friends and fans

I checked the time to see what time it is '04.00 am' "I'll go to sleep now, I'm tired"  i turned off my phone went to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth, when i went there i saw something shining, i went to see what it was and saw a blade

[Trigger Warning! Self harm! Please skip this part if you get Triggered easily by the sensitive topic!]
I took the blade and thought for a moment, then i put it on my arm and...


1 for being useless and pathetic
2 for being weak
3 for not listening to him
4 for not saving her back then
5 for not protecting Hannah enough at childhood
6 for making bad content (he makes good content ok!! He's also my comfort streamer)
7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 19, 20


At the last cut, i lost count on how many cuts i did, i put my blade down and wash my hands

[End of Trigger Warning]
I took my first aid kit and wrap my hands with bandages, i put back the rest of the healing materials into the first aid kit and realized that i am almost out of my healing materials, "I'll go to the store tomorrow, I'm tired" i thought to myself, i changed into my pajamas went out of the bathroom and went to bed

Tomorrow was gonna be another long painful day...


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