Chapter 6

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I'm running out of ideas already ;-; but I'm not making this story short! I'll think of something, so for now i won't be updating as much


1 week later

~Punz's POV~

I'm tired, i want food...


"Punz, dude calm down, she'll be back in a bit-"
"Jesus christ- someone is hangry-" foolish look at me

"I'm on rage mode soon"
"You already have"
"And I'll do it again" i inhaled then
"Oop look at the time! Gtg seeya!-" foolish left the call before i could even scream

*Ring* *ring*
"helloooooooooooooooo???" I answered the call
"have you not eaten or something?" Sapnap asked me
"Nooooooo mom's at the storeeeeeeee"
"oh jeez, someone's getting very hangry"

"PUNZ, I'M BACK, I'LL GET FOOD READY K" i heard mom scream from the kitchen
"You are very hungry, aren't ya?" Sapnap mentioned, what does it look like Mr???

"Punz do you mind- oh! Hi Sapnap!" "Hi Mom!" He answered answered

"Are you still busy? If not can you come over for dinner?" Mom asked and Sapnap nod

"Moooom, I'm hungryyyyyy!" I whined in complain
"Alright! Alright, come help me cook, and food will finish faster"

*Buzz* *buzz*

My phone buzzed and saw hannah message me


Hey, I'm ready to tell... Don't snitch on me tho! And if you don't know how to react or help, it's ok, just don't snitch!

"Uuuh, mom is it ok if i don't help? A friend of mine needs me and it's important" i asked my mom hoping she would answer yes
"Sure, I'll give you the food when I'm done" then she proceeded to left the room

"Gotta go! Bye lil bro!"
"Bye!" Sapnap answered and i left the call then answered hannah

Hannah rose

Sorry for the late answer, what's it about?

Hey! It's ok! Uhm, can we call?

I feel like it'll be easier for me


Hannah called me and i picked up

"Hey! So, you sure you're ok with it?"
'so... Where do i start...'


~3rd POV~
"Mama! Mama! Can we have ice cream! Pleaseeeeeee!!?" Lil Hannah ask her mother excited

"Can i also have one mum?"
"Of course! You both deserve it after a long day!"
"YAY!" Little Hannah and Karl cheered

"I waaaaaantttttt... Vanilla and chocolate!" Little Hannah ask the ice cream man
"Alright little lady, and you young man?" The ice cream man ask karl
"Mint chocolate chip anddd, do you have cookie dough?"
"Aaah, shookers! Sorry little fella, we just ran out of cookie dough, we have cookies and cream tho!"
"Then mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream!!" Karl cheered excited

"Pffft, who likes mint chocolate chip? That flavour sucks!" Hannah said karl
"Well i like it, what you gonna do about it?" Karl then stick his tongue out
"Hey! Hey! Both of you, if you miss behave we won't get ice cream!" Their mother scold them
"Nooooo! Ice cream!!!" Then they went silent

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