chapter 11

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~Dream's POV~

We were hanging out at the arcade

Niki was cheering for Ranboo at basketball and damn he's good at it, and especially with his height helping him, tho I'm still kinda jealous over the fact that a minor is taller than me, what did this kids parents feed him?

Karl and Hannah was playing the zombie shooting game, and holy crap Hannah was doing so good, she has double the points than karl

Punz and Sapnap were playing the claw machine, both of them were great, they have a lot of prizes from the machine

Jimmy was playing the cars racing game with Maddie, Jimmy was surprisingly good at it

And here i am alone with no partner nor sibling, Drista decided to stay behind back in Florida cause she wanted to talk to Lani and play games with her, she's recently been very good at csgo actually

Some fans obviously saw us and asked for pictures, although they didn't recognize me at all, well some did but didn't say i word, took pics with some of them and it was lovely
I didn't really wanted to get recognise to much so Sapnap's idea of wearing George's merch and his soon upcoming mask was a good idea, even tho i still got recognise at least it wasn't by a lot of people

I was in a call with Tubbo and heard Tommy in the background, they're probably gonna record a vlog

"Hey Tom's, you and Tubbo gonna go vlogging?" I asked him and he immediately answered
"Yup, we're gonna do some parkour warrior with Phil and Wilbur" he told me cheerfully
"Lani actually wanted to come so we decided to bring her along" Tubbo added
"Well that should be fun, take good care of her k, you too Tommy take good care of her" i ordered them
"We will ya green teletubbie" Tommy answered insulting me
Before i wanted to complain he immediately said sorry, not that because Tubbo is there, it's been his personality, he just never showed it on screen

"Oh btw Dream" Tommy called me and i raised an eyebrow. It wasn't noticeable with the sun glasses i had but pretty sure he kinda saw it
"Are you gonna be going to the UK to meet Tubbo or are we gonna go to the US?" Tommy asked me, i knew the reason why he said we so i didn't need to asked. To be honest i never really thought of it
"Hmm idk, maybe we'll go to the UK?, I never really thought about it until you asked" i answered him truthfully
"Well whenever it is i hope it's soon, i haven't seen you in person and i really wanna see you after i found out about us being siblings!" Tubbo cheerfully answered

"Oh we better get going now, we need to pick up Wil and Phil at the train station to go to the parkour warrior place, talk to you later Dream" Tubbo said. I waved at the camera and he ended call

'and now I'm alone again...' i thought to myself bored, i wanted to call George but he's doing recordings with Quackity, Skeppy and Bad for Skeppy's channel
Techno maybe? Nah man's need to sleep
Oh Puffy! We could discuss some lore together!

I pulled up Puffy's discord and dialed her 'hope she's not busy' i hoped to myself

"Hey Puffy, how are you?" I answered her hello
"Oh! Hey little duckling, I'm good how about you?"
"I'm doing great, just board and all so i thought I'd call you and talk about lore planning or something" i answered her question. She started to call me duckling due to habits from her playing her character, i mean can't blame her, sometimes we just picked up habits from the characters we play
I didn't mind it of course, it was actually a cute nickname and it wasn't like it's harming anyone

We talked for a few minutes just discussing about lore, everyone else was still playing games, of course checked up on me here and there

While Puffy was talking i looked up to the right corner just for a sec and looked down on my phone, then i looked up again

Puffy noticed since I facetime her "Dream? What's up?" She asked me curiously
"There's a creepy old dude just staring at Karl and Hannah, it's not like a disgusting way but more of a- creepy death stare" i answered Puffy's question, also noticed that he's been staring at them for a while now
"You should tell them then to keep them safe" Puffy suggested and i nodded
"Oh i also better get going now, I'm going to pack to the UK" we said our goodbyes and end call

I walked over to Karl who was now just talking to Sapnap "hey guys" they both answered me and i then told Karl about the guy
"So uh, there's a guy that's been staring at you and Hannah for a long time now and it's like, his eyes are deathly like they're going to murder you"
"Where?" Karl asked me and i pointed to an old man just staring at them

Karl then froze and his eyes were wide open, you could see a small amount of speck of sweat going down his face, it was like he's... Scared?

"Karl? Hey what's up?" Sapnap asked him concerned
"Wh-what is he d-doing here?!" Karl said very quietly, wasn't loud enough to hear from all the noise in the arcade but we still heard it
"W-we need to get out of here, we have to get Hannah out of here" Karl randomly said
Me and Sapnap was about to say something before he walked over to Jimmy and went to Hannah and grab her then drag her out of the arcade
Sapnap then came along and so did Punz

"Alright everyone! Let's get going to another place!" Jimmy said, everyone packed up and went to the parking lot

'what was that all about?' i asked myself

~Karl's POV~

I took Hannah's hand and drag her out of the arcade

"Karl? Yo bro chill what's up with this?" She asked me, i didn't want to answer her but i has to know eventually, Sapnap and Punz then catched up

"Yo man what's with the hurry? Sapnap asked me
"Hannah, i want you to stay calm as possible alright" Hannah nodded and i took a deep breath
"He's here" i saw her sparks from her eyes disappeared and she turned pale
"Who's here?" Punz asked
".... I...." I didn't want to say it out loud cause who knows where he could be, he could've been beside me for all i know
"No one important, let's just get to the car" i did a little finger letters saying 'I'll explain once we're in the car' and Punz saw it so he nodded

Once we were all in the car Jimmy started driving

"So Karl, what were you gonna say?" Punz asked out of the blue
Hannah was too scared to say anything so i took the lead

"... Well... There's-" i stopped for a moment then

"Everyone check your bags and pockets and everything with the stuff you have, if you see anything that doesn't belong to you nor anyone here, break it and throw it away" i ordered them. They looked at me confused but didn't asked why and just did what i said

"Clear" Dream said followed by the others

"Alright... So... I think you guys should know mine and Hannah's past and why were here now, living on a different house and a different state..." I told them, everyone looked at me confused expect Punz. My guess on why he didn't looked confused is because Hannah told him already, i wasn't mad or anything but i do hope that he's keeping an eye out

I breathe in and out and i started to speak about my past to everyone in the car


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