Chapter 5

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How we feeling after George's cooking stream and TFTSMP today? (Sunday, 21st march)

~Karl's POV~
I'm in my room talking to hannah about streaming and other things like Minecraft when all of a sudden a heard glass shatter
Fuck he's home

Hannah looked at me worried "don't go...?" God why does she have ways to make me say yes, but i can't i have to go, but she- uuuuugh why do i have such an adorable little sister "I'm sorry lil rosie but i have to go..." I smiled sadly and she nodded after a minute "KARL COME DOWN AND COOK ME SOMETHING NOW!"
I heard him yell, i end my call with Hannah and went down to the kitchen

I saw him drunk again, i didn't bother to look at him i went to the fridge to see what we have

Eggs and left over pizza (do you put left over pizza in fridge? For me yes but do y'all?)

I heat up the left over pizza and tried to cook eggs

[Trigger Warning!!
Sexual assault!!

I felt someone touching my hips
I turned around to see who it was and saw it was my father, it was getting uncomfortable but i was scared to say or do anything

Eventually he touched my butt, i slapped his hands away and looked up to see him mad
He punched me in the face "YOU ASSHOLE! FIRST YOU SLAPPED ME AWAY AND NOW MY FOOD IS BURNING!" well sorry to say mr but if you didn't do that to me your food wouldn't have burnt

He proceeds to hit me again and again
I was in pain but of course he had to add more pain by using a belt but then... He took the frying pan off the stove, threw the burned egg away and put the hot pan towards my face

I screamed so loud, then he hit me again with the pan and i kept screaming until it was over

[Trigger Warning over]

I was crying on the floor curled up in a ball, he left me on the floor bruised

I was supposed to stream TFTSMP today, I'll just do it tomorrow i guess, I'll stream at alt camera off

I get up and slowly walked over to my room to the bathroom, i get my aid kit and started to heal myself

[Trigger Warning!!
Self harm!!!]

I saw my blade and i couldn't resist it, i already fixed myself so i grab my blade
And did it
1 cut, 2 cuts, 5 cuts, 13 cuts, 20 cuts, 26 cuts

I lost count again but i cut a lot so i wash my hands and wrap my arm up

[Trigger Warning over!]

I walked to my PC and heard the door slammed, i sat up and looked through my window and saw that he drove away

I went back to my set up and started my alt stream
we (karl and chat) watched marbles and just chat with eachother

Eventually i ended stream while raiding Lilypichu

After the raid went through i went to my bed and scroll through twitter

while scrolling Sapnap called me, good it was a voice call luckily, i picked up the phone my heart beating, i have had a crush on Sapnap for awhile now but i was scared to tell someone about my sexuality (karl is bi in this story, Sapnap is pan, this is not labeling the real cc, this is just a fanfic k, only a reminder)
Only hannah knows my sexuality, she encouraged me to tell someone else but it might take awhile to do so, maybe I'll tell Quackity or Eret, maybe Niki, idk

"Hey how are you?" Sapnap asked "I'm good, you?" I answered and he said he's ok, we talked for awhile and my eyes slowly started to get heavier and i eventually fell asleep

~Sapnap's POV~

Karl fell asleep on call and his snores is so cute

"Sleep calling with your boyfriend?" I heard someone from the door, i looked to see who it was
Drista! Welp, can't snap at her cause she's younger than me, plus Dream would KILL me

"Hahaha, very funny" i said sarcastically "wait why are you awake? It's like 3 am in the morning right now?" I asked, doesn't she have school tomorrow? "I was doing some homework the teachers suddenly gave me, and i had a few homework i haven't did and needed to due tomorrow, also one of my homework is to write a 15 page essay? I think yeah, I'm basically suffering and I'm also messing up my sleep schedule as well" '15 page essay?! Wtf?! The teachers are INSANE!! How do the students keep up with these?!' i thought to myself

"I- what?-" i heard someone else from the door, Dream walked in and started at Drista disbelief, when did Dream came here?
"Can i protest?" "Not at all" Drista answered Dream "also when will both of you asked them out? Me and Lani are excited to see this moment" "maybe tomorrow- wait WHAT?!" I yelled

"Oopsies- GOTTA GO!" Drista yelled and ran towards her bedroom "DRISTA! COME HERE!" Dream yelled and ran after her, i started to laugh my ass off and heard a small groan like someone was sleeping or something, i turned to see what it is and saw i was still in a call with karl

'shit! Did i forgot to mute?!' i thought to myself panicked, luckily i was on mute, i sigh then i unmuted myself idk why but i did, and my eyes started to get heavy, i close my eyes letting sleep take over me


(Sunday, 21 march)
Ello, in Spain without the s rn cause lots of mcyttwt artist are leaving the community, but then it's their choice to leave or stay and i need to respect their decision, i can't complain or protest, that's not really nice and i don't control their live too, I'll keep continuing to support them and everything!

o7 to all mcyttwt artist that left the community! o7
Happy graduation you all!

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