chapter 10

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~Hannah's POV~

it's now been a week since karl is in Georgia, mr. beast said they will be staying here for about 1 months, i was so exited to hear the news, 1 full months so i can spend time with my brother after years of not seeing him, even if it's not much time, I'm going to make this the best month for me and karl

karl sleeps at my house and when he needs to do recording, i sometimes come a long, jimmy didn't mind it anyway, if he went shooting but i didn't wanna come but also didn't wanna stay at the house, i stay with maddie, katie and cara, tucker as well of course, i wonder who he'll act more likely too, his father or mother, eh

"sooooo hannah, is karl a good brother to you?" cara asked me out of the blue

"yeah he is, he protects me, spoil me most of the time but yeah he's an amazing brother and i love him very very much"

"hannah i'm back, ready to go home?" i heard karl and i followed him, waved bye to katie, maddie and cara then into the car with karl

"jimmy said that there's a surprise for us tomorrow and he wanted you to come, i also heard punz is gonna be there"

"ok! what time do we leave?" i asked karl exited

"not early, at 12:00" karl answered and i was so exited

we arrived home and karl made dinner, we ate while chatting about some stuff, after that i was in mood to stream so i get ready for stream, i was gone for a week cause i was hanging with karl

"hey chat!! I'm back! sorry i abandon you guys for a week haha, i was hanging with karl"

"HEY CHAT!!!" karl yelled from the kitchen, he was currently doing dishes

i giggled and went to hypixel to play bedwars

i was playing bedwars and karl came in the room

"hey chat, how are you guys?" karl grab the chair from my vanity and drag beside me and then he sat down

"you wanna try to play?" i asked him, he nodded and took control

"i am now in control, hello" karl then played bedwars, it wasn't the best play but it was good and enjoyable

"welp I'm gonna sleep now, I'm tired" karl yawn and i decided to end stream as well

"I'm gonna end stream now chat, i am also tired, bye bye chat!" i waved to the camera, so did karl

i press end stream and the stream ended

"well, gonna go now, night lil sis"

"night karl"

karl left my room and went to his bedroom

i took my phone head to my bed and scroll through tiktok a bit

after i was really tired, i turn off my phone put it beside my bed and head to bed

09:00 am

i woke up and went to the shower and get ready for the day, karl is probably already awake by now so i went to his room

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