Chapter 4

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Alright just wanna mention, i refuse to use their real name in here (except MrBeast), even tho Drista call Dream by his real name, i refuse to use his real name, idk why but yeah, so don't be confused on why i didn't use their real name when their sibling is talking to them, Thought to clear that up

Same day

~Dream's POV~

I was playing Minecraft in my room then Drista came into my room, she had a worried look on her face, what happened?

"Dream... Have you watch MrBeast new video?" She asked me and i answered no, she told me to watch it so i did
I exited Minecraft and i went to YouTube, i click MrBeast new video and Drista took a chair and sat beside me "focus on karl" karl? What's up with him?

I didn't ask and just nodded, i payed close attention to karl, very close cause she was talking in a serious voice

Somewhere at the time stamp 03:39 i believe, i saw something that looked purple on his neck
Now i was worried, i looked over to Drista and she just pointed her finger to my screen basically telling me to pay attention again, i did as she told me

I watch the entire video and... Was karl ok?! I was worried, small amount of sweat was on my face

"And if you didn't realize, he was limping, he hissed when he was running, and is basically in pain while doing his activity" she was right, i did heard small hiss from him
"I... Should i tell Sapnap or Jimmy? Chris maybe? He is close to karl" i asked and she responded "idk, it's your choice, i told you about this thought you'll deal with it, not that I'm not worried for him, i do but idk what else I'm supposed to do, so it's your choice" she said and we went silent

I was thinking of whether or not i should tell, Y'know what? Fuck it, I'm telling Jimmy "I'll leave now, I'll be doing homework" she stood up and left my room, i was still thinking if i should tell Sapnap or not, I'll think about that later, i need to call Jimmy

Ring... Ring...


Ring... Ring..


"Jimmy, i need to talk to you about Karl

"Hm? What about him?"

"While editing your video, did you realize that karl looked like he was in pain? And did you notice there were a few bruises on him?"

The call went quite...

"Actually... I didn't even notice it now that you mentioned it, yeah... I did notice those... Should i- should i call him? Make sure he's ok?"

"For me, yeah you should, just incase he's not save where he is right now.."

"Ok, I'll update you on what happened later, talk to you later"

He ended call, i was still worried, but then a notification from Discord
I went to Discord and saw i got a message from George, he ask me to be on his stream
I blushed slightly- why the fuck am i- no just, shut up brain and just answer yes

Well, gotta get my set up clean up first

~Karl's POV~

I'm on my bed just healed myself from another beat up, but this time, it's way more painful, looks like he took more than his normal amount of shots

I thought of going to sleep before my phone buzzed, i groaned in annoyance but answered the call anyway, it's from Jimmy

"Hey Karl! Are you ok?"

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