chapter 9

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08:00 am

~Hannah's POV~

i woke up to not see karl in bed "where is he?" i got up from my bed and went looking for him

i found him in the kitchen making dinner

"oooo, whatcha making?" i asked him and i sat down

"waffles with ice cream and cookies" he answered me with a smile

my eyes started to sparkle after i heard what he was making, that is my favourite food ever!!

most of the time before  i moved, james would leave the house for days leaving me and karl alone in the house so if we were able to, karl would make that food for both of us

"here you go"

"thanks karl!"

i took the waffle and ate it, it still taste amazing as ever

"god i haven't ate this for so loooooong"

"well then enjoy your food! and eat slowly, you'll choke"

i continue eating my food and karl left me to wash the dish

"you're not eating?"

"i already ate don't worry" he turn to look at me and gave me a warm smile, i slime back to him and continue eating my food knowing it was a lie i would have told him i knew he was lying but he keeps declining it, I'll asked him to eat later for lunch

i miss this type of atmosphere, me and karl just hanging out talking to each other or just peaceful no talking but just being there with each other, except this time james isn't here so we don't need to worry about him

i finish my food and was about to wash my plate

"hey i'll do the dishes, you can go change we'll go to the mall soon or another place if you want"

"oh ok, I'll brb"

i left to change

~karl's POV~

hannah left to change clothes and i wash the plate

she came back wearing black pants, a white crop top and jean jacket, she had a hair elastic with a rose on in around her wrist "woah, where'd you get that?"

"hm? oh this? i got it from kristin when she came and visit me"

"oh yeah, kristin's visa ran out"

we then left and go to the mall

once we were at the mall, i asked hannah where she wanted to go

"hey, where do wanna go?"

"uuum, can we get our nails done?"

"sure i might consider getting my nails done as well"

we laugh and went to the nail salon to get our nails done, after that we went shopping for some new clothes and some stuff for our set up

after shopping

"i think that should be enough for today, now we should go back"



i turn around to see hannah frozen in place looking  terrified "hannah?" i walk over to her to see what happen "hannah? hey are you ok?" she put her hand up slowly and point towards something, i turn around to see where she was pointing to and i couldn't believe my eyes

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