Chapter 3

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Shout out to OrionTheOrchid

~Punz's POV~

While playing bedwars with Hannah, i noticed how silent she was, I'm not very close to hannah but i know that she's not this silent, unless she is worried about something
"Hey Hannah? You ok?" I asked and it took a few second for her to answer "Huh? Oh! Uhm- yeah I'm ok, just a little busy lately" i can tell she's lying, but i won't ask her or even force her to say it, I'm aware that she's streaming and i don't want to make chat feel like I'm mean or anything, I'll just ask when she finished streaming
"Well take rest if needed k Hannah, don't over work yourself, LIKE SOMEONE DID!" Sapnap yelled at the very end of the part and there was a response "STFU SAPNAP! I'M SLEEPING! DRISTA IS GONNA WAKE UP AS WELL!" Dream yelled back "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UUP! I'M TIRED OK! IF YOU 2 DON'T SHUT UP I'M SMACKING THE LIVING HECK OUT OF YOU 2!" i heard Drista was it? Eh idk, but i heard her yelled back and then both Dream and mr supposed to be the quite little brother (Sapnap) went quite, me, wallibear, and Hannah laugh but i did notice something, i had my second computer on cause, stream sniping, thought of having a little revenge at Hannah, when the 3 yelled i saw her flinch a little bit, alright, something is up

leoisfound: is it just me or did anyone else saw that Hannah flinch a lil when Dream, Sapnap, and Drista yelled?

I read that chat in there but is now buried by the other chat, i saw a few people answer that question, a few saying yes and a few saying 'it's probably you're eyes tricking you'

'so I'm not the only one? I need to talk to Hannah,  i feel like she's hiding something' i thought to myself and continued playing bedwars

She ended up deciding to end stream and raid Tubbo "hey guys, imma hop into Tubbo's stream and play Valorant with him" Sapnap said "k, bye sap, take lil bro" i said to tease chat, and saw Hannah's chat going 'ARTIST! DRAW THIS' or 'I'M GONNA DRAW THIS BRB' eh called it they were gonna think i only see him as a brother "yeah yeah, whatever, bye" Sapnap left to Tubbo's stream, and the raid went to Tubbo

After that, wallibear spoke "well i gotta go now, i need to go to the store with my mom" "alright, stay save" hannah answered him and he said goodbye, now it was only me and Hannah

"Well, I'll go to be-" "Hannah wait" i said while she wanted to go to sleep "Puuuuuunz, I'm tired man, we'll talk tomorrow" i didn't listen, i left vc to face time her, she answered me immediately "fine, what is it?" She said then yawns "are you ok?" I ask her with a hint of concerned in my voice, i think she got the hint cause i saw her expression change "yeah I'm ok, why are you asking that?" I can tell she was nervous, but.. nervous of what? Whatever, i need to ask the question
"Today on stream, you we're quite, way to quite, more quite than usual, i get that we were playing bedwars and stuff but you're not always quite like that" i said with seriousness in my voice but not too serious "wel-" "also!" I said cutting her off "today on stream i had my second computer on for your stream" she was about to answer before i disturb her again "and when Sapnap, Dream and Drista yelled, i saw you flinch a little, and to be honest, the scream isn't even that loud" after i mentioned that, i saw that she froze after what i said, she went a little pale after that "I- um..." She didn't know what to say, i see...

"If you don't wanna say it, it's ok, but you would have to tell me something cause I'm not letting this sly easily" i saw she had calmed down a bit "thanks, it might take awhile for me to tell you, but I'll try, but please, please don't tell karl i mentioned this to you!" She said with.. sadness in her voice? But i agreed cause i need to know what happened "alright, I'll be here and ready to listen if you needed to" i mentioned so she feels she has more trust into me
she nodded and said she wanted to go to bed, i let her sleep after we said our goodbyes

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