Chapter 14

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     (Name) looked down at the list on her desk. Even though the field trip was still a week away, she was so excited that she felt like planning for it immediately.

     This seems like everything I'll need, she thought. But it's probably still too early to actually pack.

     With a sigh, the girl figured it might as well be time to start her homework. After all, she'd been putting it off as long as possible. But as she sat staring at her math sheet something felt off. It took her a second to realize what that feeling actually was, and there was a small flutter in her chest once she did.


     Due to their partner project, the pair had been doing their homework together on the phone the last couple of nights. It had become a sort of routine, but now the project was over she still had the urge to call him.

     No, stop it. The project is over, you can do your homework on your own.

     (Name) tried to re-gain her focus. She had only finally completed the first problem when she sighed, her eyes turning to the scarf hanging from her closet door. A small smile formed on her lips as she looked at it. Figuring it wouldn't hurt too much, she stood and took the scarf in her hands. The little fuzzy feeling in her chest seemed to grow. (Name) wrapped the scarf around her neck and stared at herself in her mirror. Her fingers traveled over the yarn, caressing the rise and fall of the stitches.

     How long had it taken him to make this? She thought as she examined the craftsmanship. And how long would it take him to make a replacement?

     She hesitated for a second before putting the scarf up to her nose. The faint bloom of color was obvious to her as she realized it still smelled like him. Like aging wood and something sweet.

     A memory from earlier that day came to the forefront of her mind. The way she couldn't help but study his face in the library. The warmth she felt as she admired the glimmer in his eyes. The way she wanted nothing more than to spend the field trip at camp just the two of them.

     (Name) ran her hand over her face with a deep sigh. This is happening way too fast. We just became friends, surely he won't feel the same way.

     The girl turned, sitting on the floor with her back against her bedroom wall and her knees pressed to her chest.

     Maybe it's not what I think.

     Deep inside she knew that wasn't the case though.

     And she still had this mountain of homework to get done. In a split second decision, she got up and grabbed her school stuff. She'd call the Onceler after all.

     (Name) sat by the phone and dialed his number. At this point she knew it by heart because of how much they had called the past week. She just hoped he'd still be the first one to pick up.


     A grin spread across (Name)'s face. It was her friend after all. "Hey. Sorry, I hope it's not a bad time. I just kinda was hoping we could do homework over the phone again.

     There was silence on the other end of the line for a brief second, but it still felt like an eternity. The girl felt her heart drop to her stomach.

     "Sorry, yeah, that sounds nice."

     She smiled again, though the sting still remained.


     They sat together, both on separate ends of their phones lines, casually chatting as they did their work.

How Bad Can High School Be? (Onceler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now