Chapter 7

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     (Name) arrived home and threw her bag down beside the door. She kicked her shoes off. "I'm home," she called, heading into the kitchen for a snack. Her mom was leaning against the counter with a cup of tea. 

     "Welcome home, dear," she said to her daughter with a smile. (Name) smiled back. 

     "Oh, mom," she said as she pulled some strawberries out of the fridge. "My friends invited me to go to the school football game with them Friday night. Can I go?" 

     The older woman rose a brow. "Wow, a football game? I'm surprised, that doesn't seem like something you'd enjoy." (Name) shrugged, eating a strawberry. She cringed a little as some juice dripped down her chin and rushed to grab a napkin before it got on her clothes. Her mother chuckled.

      "That'll be fine. Just don't be home too late, Mayzie's party starts at noon and we'll need help setting up before, so you can't sleep in all morning." 

     (Name) grinned, excitement bubbling within her. "Thanks mom, I'll make sure I get back at a reasonable time." The girl finished her snack and cleaned up before rushing to her bag to grab her sketchbook. She flipped to the phone numbers and dialed the first one. She could hardly wait as the dial tone played.

     "Hello?" She heard at last.

     "Hello sir, I'm (Name) from Mulberry High. Is Norma there?"

      The man on the other end chuckled. "Of course, Norma said she might have a friend calling tonight. Hold on, let me grab her for you."

     "Thank you!" (Name) said, hoping he'd hear her before he left the phone. Soon there was a new voice.

     "Hello? (Name)?"

     "Hey, Norma! I asked my mom about Friday night, she said I can go," she exclaimed with a grin.

     "Oh, cool! So we need to make sure we buy our tickets tomorrow. Do you have any clothes in the school colors?"

     (Name) frowned a little. She hadn't thought about dressing up for the game. Mulberry Highs school colors were a bright blue and yellow. 

     "I'm not sure if I have something good, but I could check."

     The other girl took a bit to respond, but when she did, she said, "Ok, it's cool if you don't. I have plenty of stuff here and you could borrow some stuff for the night." There was another pause, and (Name) thought she could hear a small voice on the other end.

     "Anyways, I gotta go now, (Name). But I'm glad you can come, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

     "Yeah, bye. See you tomorrow." 

     After Norma hung up, (Name) looked down at her book. I should call Onceler now and let him know the plan's on.

     She dialed the next number and waited for someone on the other end to pick up. The wait wasn't as long as it had been to call Norma.

     "Hello?" A gruff voice answered.

     "Hello sir, I'm (Name). Is Onceler there?"

     The girl frowned, getting no reply. However, there she could hear a lot of movement and grumbling on the other end. Then a shout. "Onceler! Someone on the phone wants you!" That was followed by more grumbling. 

     "Hello?" (Name) grinned at the familiar voice.

     "Hey, Onceler! It's (Name)."

      The boy on the other line chuckled. "Oh, hi. Man, you really pissed my Aunt Grizelda off." The words sent a deep frown across (Name)'s face. She felt bad, but had no idea what she did.

How Bad Can High School Be? (Onceler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now