🌱Pacify him🌱

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🌱brownie points if you get the reference


"He's getting on my nerves.." Pico said to himself as he watched you and Darnell speak cheerfully at the table he had specifically found just for you and him. Of course, Darnell just so happened to be in the same area as you two, and asked to sit down. It was an innocent exchange, he just wanted to talk to a friend he hadn't seen in years. Though, you took a liking to him pretty fast. It wasn't surprising, considering you were isolated almost your entire life. Like you did with Pico, you became very friendly with Darnell. You two talked about almost every topic known to man, while Pico just sat quietly, and jealous.

Not even the sweet and warm taste of cocoa could wash the bitterness of seeing you with another guy in his head. And it was decided that later, he'd  politely asked Darnell to F**k off.


Later that evening, Pico invited Darnell over to speak with him. Darnell took a relaxed position in the couch, while Pico sat up straight, and had a serious tone.

"Darnell.." He began. "I invited you here to ask something important. Could..could you please just stop speaking to y/n..? I'm trying to get a chance at her but she seems to like you." Pico finished, with a little jealousy pouring into his voice.

"But I'm not even trying to flirt with her, and they don't like me like you think..it just seems like they need friends." Darnell replied.

"I.. know. I just want a chance at something I've never had." Pico said, a half-truth guilt trip tactic to get his way.

"..Alright." Darnell replied, his tone sounding like a mix of disagreement and sympathy for his friend."

💚🌱 "Pico..?" 🌱💚 Yandere! Pico X Innocent! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now