🌱 Great. 🌱

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The whole operation had been busted, and Pico was just not having it. Because you ran your big mouth, Nene had rid herself of her life, making Pico lose one of his most important gang members.

As a result, he drove you home in silence. it was threatening, and even though he hadn't explicitly threatened you, you could just feel that, if you dared to tell anyone, he might've gotten rid of you himself.

When you two eventually arrived home, you tried to get out of the car as soon as possible. it was chilly out, and you clung to your coat as much as you could. Before you had even gotten fully out of the car, Pico spoke once again.



"You know you're replacing Nene, right?"

You almost stopped breathing when he said that. You felt something arise in your chest. Was it fear? anger? or surprise? you couldn't tell at this point.


"Why? Did you not just see what happened?" Pico snapped. "You need to pay for what you've done. It's a shame because I like you. I wouldn't want you to be tainted by such a business." Pico sighed as he shook his head.

You felt tears well up in your eyes, and you felt like crying. It felt like your life had flashed before your eyes in a way. Even though it wasn't immediate death, you suspected that it might end up that way.

You might even have to take innocent lives for the sake of 'money'. And that night, that 'date', had shown you a glimpse into what it might have been like.

"What will I even tell my parents...? I don't want to do this."

"It honestly doesn't matter, Y/n. it's how the world works. You can't cry your way out of debt." He said in a flat, monotone voice. It was such a contrast to how he used to act around you. It's like you lost mercy, and it only made you more mournful of what your future might become.

"As for your parents, I don't know. And I don't care."

"I don't have to follow you." You protested. "I don't have to do anything. It's not my fault that nene did what she did, I just brought up a point and she decided to do that herself."

"Oh, you don't have to," Pico replied, giving an ominous aura.

"But you might want to. It's either work for me or lose a person you care about in your own life. An arm for an arm -- it's only fair."

You struggled to even talk - you had to fight the tears that were threatening to run down your face. You wanted to hit him, you wanted to kill him at that moment, but you knew there was nothing you could do. Even if you killed him, his goons would come for you.

But that's assuming you'd be able to murder him anyway.

You had absolutely no choice. You were trapped, and it hurt.

💚🌱 "Pico..?" 🌱💚 Yandere! Pico X Innocent! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now