Kageyama Tobio

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AN: I won't make Lemon parts without suggestions <3


You had a crazy big crush on Kageyama since you guys were in middleschool. When his teammates abondoned him, you were the one who comforted him. When you heard he got accepted to Karasuno you were so proud, even tho he was not. You did your best and got accepted in Karasuno, and became a manager just for him.

"Oi y/n, what are you looking at?!"

You flinched when you heard Kageyama yelling at your ear.

"What the fuck! You scared me Kags!" You said, slowly hitting his shoulder, not wanting to hurt him. Since you guys were in cafeteria, some peoples turned their heads to you guys. He sat down next to you and started talking about volleyball.

"y/n, are you listening?"

Fuck, you were busy admiring his handsome face, you forgot about everything! You tucked your hair behind your ear and cleared your throat nerveously.

"Sorry, I thougth I forgot something! W-what were you s-saying?"

"Oh.. Nothing to worry about." He said smirking. Oh shit, he found out didn't he?!

"So, say y/n, do you like someone?"

"W-why so suddenly?!" you said while blushing so damn hard. He smirked again and suddenly dragged you out of cafeteria. He pushed you inside an empty classroom and locked the door,

"Kags what are you doing?"

"You were too oblivious y/n" He said while caressing your chin gently. Your face went dark red, you could swear that he can hear your heartbeat. He hugged you tightly, rested his head on your shoulder and kissed your neck a couple times.

"You like me y/n huh?" He chuckled which tickled your neck.

"Stupid, if you already know why are you asking?!" you said while gently patting his head. Even tho you were pissed, you could never hurt him.

"Because I love teasing you~" You smiled at his sleepy voice. You loved how comfortable he felt with you.

"y/n I want milk..." You pat his head one last time and unlocked the door.

To see the whole team eavesdropping...

"The king finally did it." Tsukishima said with a smirk.

"At least he has a gf now" You said while holding his hand.

You and Kageyama went to get milk while Tsukishima becomes red and everyone tries to hold their laughter.


That's all, I hope you like it. Please feel free to suggest the next character!

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