Sugawara Kōshi

794 12 2

AN: This episode will be short cause  I have so many works to be done today 🙁 But I will try my best to make it good


You get out of the bed and went to the bathroom. Today you were going to a training camp with Karasuno, you were their temporary coach.

You washed your face and put on some clothes.

Since it was summer, the weather was hot as hell.

You get out of your house with your suitcase and locked your door, you get into the bus to go to your school.

5 minutes later you got off the bus and saw Kiyoko and Yachi.

"Hey Y/N, you're early I see." Kiyoko said with her beautiful, warm smile. You put your bag down and leaned into the wall behind you.

"Yeah, tbh I couldn't even get any sleep. I was excited, y'know this is my first training camp as a temporary coach!" You said with a nervous but happy voice.

"Oh don't worry, you can sleep on the way. I heard coach Ukai saying we were going out of country." Yachi was excited too, but you knew she was embarrassed to show that side of hers.

"Hey girls, early huh?" You heard coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei as they walk over to you.

"Hey sensei, hey Keishin." Yes, yes you called him by his name. He was, SADLY, your dear cousin. This was the one of the reasons why you're their temporary coach.

"Hey kid. Don't call me by my name when we get there, or I won't let you take free lollipops again."

"Yeah yeah whatever, KEİSHİN."


Everyone got into the bus and the trip started. You were sitting next to Suga at the back of the bus. (The bus is a different one. There's a curtain hiding the back side. So no one can see what's there. İt's actually where Kiyoko and Yachi were sitting before.) You two had to sit there, cause Noya and Tanaka was fighting about who will sit with Kiyoko. Then you guys changed seats so now Kiyoko and Yachi was sitting between them.

"Everyone listen! Since we're going out of the country, we are leaving earlier than the other teams. That means we have 4 days to mess around and have fun. So when you have the chance, please enjoy this trip." Takeda-sensei said with a smile and took his seat again.

You were very sleepy, but you just couldn't sleep. You were too excited!

You put on your earphones and turned to face Suga.

"Suga-san, take this." You gave one of them to Suga and handed him your phone for him to choose a song.

"Thank you Y/N, but are you sure?" He said with a nervous but warm voice.

"Yeah I'm sure."

He choosed a song and started to watch outside. You guys were silent until you felt something on your shoulder.

You saw Suga sleeping on your shoulder. You stayed silent and let him sleep, a few minutes later you fell asleep too.

*        *        *        *        *        *

1 hour later, Suga woke up and felt your head on his head. He carefully took your head and placed on his shoulder, then started to watch you sleeping.

*        *        *        *        *        *

"Aww Kiyoko-san look at them, they're so cute." Yachi said with a silent but happy voice. You slowly woke up and saw them taking pictures of you. You looked up to see what they were excited about.

"Morning sleepyhead." Suga giggled and pat you head. You felt your cheeks getting hot and You lifted up your head from his shoulder.

"Morning." You got off the bus with them and looked around to see the others.

"They're not here, they all went to look around." Kiyoko handed you your little backpack and left with Yachi.

"Hey Y/N, can we talk?" You nodded and followed him to the lake in front of you, then you two sat on the floor.

"I want you to promise me, nothing will change into something bad."

"I promise." You looked at him with curious eyes and waited for him to talk.

"I actually like you Y/N." Suga said and turned his face to the other side. You felt your cheeks getting hotter and hotter, your eyes widened. You had some feelings for him too, but until now, you were so scared to tell him. You always thought he liked Kiyoko too.

"Well, can I tell you something too?" You said with a smile and slowly put your hand on his. "I like you too."

You saw him blushing and giggled. You liked the effect you had on him. Then he smiled and hugged you, putting his head on your shoulder. You felt him kissing your cheek.

"Well then, I'm happy." He said.

You guys stayed like this until the others get back to there and interrupt your nap. You told Kiyoko and Yachi about this, but you didn't tell the others.

You got into the bus again and took your seats. You made him put his head on your shoulder and started to play with his hair until the bus stopped in front of a big, lux hotel.


"Wait, why do we have the same room?" You said with doubt in your voice.

"Sorry Y/N but you guys are the only ones staying out when everyone has their partners. So you have to stay together in every hotel we go." Ukai gave you your key room and let you and Suga unpack your bags.

Since everyone choosed their partners before, you two had to stay in the same room during this trip. You weren't complaining tho, it was just a little suspicious.

You didn't think about it that much and finished unpacking. You helped Suga too, since everyone wandered around enough for today, y'all stayed inside and took your time to rest and get ready for tomorrow.

You cuddled into Suga in the bed and put your head on his chest while he's hugging you tightly.

"I love you sugar." He placed soft kisses on your hair and started to play with it until you fell asleep.

"I love you too..." You said, a few minutes later you fell asleep in his arms.

I'm really sorry it was late 🙁
I tried to make it longer than usual so uhh that's it I guess. Please follow me and support me on YouTube!<3

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