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Draco's pov
" Blaise I just need to find out who she is, it's down to three girls and they are all at the table right now"
I say to Blaise as we were at breakfast " ok so who's the three?"

" Astoria greengrass, Tracey Davis or Star Campbell"
" well we can rule out Tracey, she's doesn't even have a phone"
" ok so that's out" I say " so Astoria or Star?" He says
" it's probably Astoria she's fancied you since 3rd year"

I felt the phone buzz " this is her" I nudge Blaise

Love😏: are you in the great hall?

You: yes are you?

Love😏: finally a clear answer for once

You: shut up

Love 😏: I'm close to figuring out who you are I've come down to three people

You: really? Who

" she'll never find out" I told Blaise

Love😏: Adrian Pucey

You: mhm

Love😏: Blaise zabini

You: mhm

" yea mate she'll never find out" I told him

Love😏: and Draco Malfoy

" shit"

Love😏: are you on the list

You: maybe 😉


𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝- Draco Malfoy Texting Story Where stories live. Discover now