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Draco's POV
" what makes you say that"
" she lied to all the questions" I say
He turned fully to me and rose his eyebrow " the last one confirmed it, she was sitting next to pansy the entire game, she wouldn't tell us her classes"
" well you won, go tell her" he said

" no"
" what do you not want it to be her?"
" no, I definitely wanted it to be her but I'm going to play this anonymous thing a little bit longer"
He had a confused look on his face " so you will know who she us but she won't know who you are?"
" yes now keep up" we got up and left the library

Love😏: so you came and talked to me today huh

You: which one was I

Love😏: I have my ideas, anything new you learned

You: yes actually

Love😏: mind sharing it?

You: not yet

Love😏: 🙄

You: that must be you favorite emoji

Love😏: when I'm taking to you it is

You: where are you

Love😏: library

You: why

Love😏: I can read can't I?

You: I suppose so

Love😏: asshole

You: where should we go on our date when I win this thing 🤔

Love😏: you aren't winning this thing

You: sure about that?

Love😏: very sure


𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝- Draco Malfoy Texting Story Where stories live. Discover now