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Star's POV
" no wear the heels" pansy says " no no I refuse to wear those ankle killers, I'm wearing the high tops" I said putting them on " you are wearing a sun dress with high tops"
" yes, what's wrong with it" I shrugged my shoulders " I'm already wearing a dress, don't push it pansy"

" fine fine, so what does Draco have planned?" She stood up " how am I supposed to know he wouldn't tell me anything" i said fixing my hair
" where are you meeting him"
" uh actually he told me to meet him by the black lake at 3 and it's 2:50 I need to go"

" have fun, but not to much fun" she smirked "goodbye pansy" I said as I walked out the door
I went down the common room stairs and I ran into
Blaise " oh hi" I smile " you look beautiful, he told me to give this to you, he'll give you the rest when you get there, and he's not much of a romantic but he tried, I helped him mainly" Blaise said handing me a plain white rose " thank you Blaise"
"Have fun" he says winked


" so Blaise told me I'm supposed to have more of these?" I said holding up the rose as I walked up to Draco
" he was right" he said handing me a bouquet of roses "thank you" I smile " you look beautiful"
"Not so bad yourself" I smiled back at him

He grabbed my hand and led me into the grassy area
To a picnic he set up " Draco" I said amazed " Blaise mostly did it" he said " I had the idea though" he added
" it's amazing, I love it" I look back up at him

Draco and I laid across the blanket on the grass, the sun shining down on us, our shoes off and set on the grass
" See social media isn't so bad" I said to Draco as we were making him a Instagram account " who would I even follow"
" me" I smile " that's a start" he smiles " I mean they give suggestions, there's Blaise and pansy, and more"
He nods as he listens to me " so, what should your username be?"

" I don't know my name?" He said " that's so simple though Draco" I whine " fine you pick"
" ferret boy 123 it is"
" no!" He said making me laugh " is anyone going to get over that?"
" I don't think so, you came out of crabbe's pants so traumatized" I laughed " it was traumatizing, he didn't wear underwear that day" he said
I was left with my mouth open in shock " how big is it"
" I don't even want to think of his, you know, I never saw him the same after that"
" well that's what you get for bad mouthing Potter" I smiled


Liked by Parkinson

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Liked by Parkinson.Pansy, Blaise.Zucchini, dmalfoy and 596 others
ThebrightestStar: I agree to go on one date and be already thinks we're dating🙄 but he's cute I guess😉
Parkinson.Pansy: did you two fuck?
ThebrightestStar: something is seriously wrong with you pansy

dmalfoy: you're cute too I guess😏
ThebrightestStar: so romantic 💀

Astoria.Greengrass: thats actually kind of cute

Thatonegryffindor: that should be you and I😉
ThebrightestStar: Cormac I rejected you in third year get over it😁

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝- Draco Malfoy Texting Story Where stories live. Discover now