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Draco's POV
" what the hell is her problem" I spat " how am I supposed to know Draco you're the one that lied" pansy spoke
" well I didn't ask Blaise to tell her" I glared at him "she deserved to know"

" I'm going to talk to her, at least she's not mad at me"
I grabbed my phone and opened it
I looked through it and she was right, she did fill up my camera roll, I smiled as I went through them all
" see this Blaise, this is what I lost because of you" I showed him a goofy picture she took " this isn't my fault you shouldn't have lied"
"She even downloaded Instagram for me"
" Draco"
" shut up"

Draco's POV
It's been a couple of days now she hasn't talked to be since, she hasn't responded to my texts, pansy thinks she's not mad at me but I just want to talk to her

As I was looking through the pictures of her on my phone again in charms someone sat next to me " hi" I heard her calm voice say, I looked up and she was sitting next to me
" I uh... what are you doing in here?"
" I knew you were in here" she said " ok everyone you are dismissed"
I grabbed her arm and we left the classroom and we sat on a bench in a corridor " so your strong" she smirked " not funny"
"Isn't it?" She smiled " why are you mad at me?"
"Well... I was just mad you won" she admitted

" really? You were mad at me because I won?"
She nodded " i hold a grudge" she looked around " well, pansy said I should talk to you, now I did and now I need to get to the library pansy is waiting for me" she stood up " wait"
" I can't wait for our date Malfoy" she winks as she disappeared down the corridor
" so I take it that went good?" Blaise sat down " very good actually"

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝- Draco Malfoy Texting Story Where stories live. Discover now