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Draco's pov
" hello boys, have you seen Adrian?" She asked
" not since after the game" Blaise said normally
" how bout you Draco" she looked at me " I think he went to rest in his dorm"

" so she sent you?" I smirked " mhm, so just spill it I won't tell her" she begged " help her out Blaise" I said
" tell her to leave out Adrian" he said " I guess that's good enough" she got up and left

I saw pansy stop right outside the great hall and she was talking to someone, but I couldn't see who, pansy was explaining something to the person I had no doubt that it was probably her
"So they are friends with pansy" Blaise saids " both of them are Blaise" I correct
I saw her still talking to her and I got up to see if I could cheat a little

Pansy pushed her and stood infront of her hiding her behind the door" what do you need Draco"
" bathroom, if that's alright Parkinson" I said sarcastically
Pansy rolled her eyes and grabbed the girl, covering her face but I saw a glimpse of her hair, her light brown hair
I went back to Blaise " I have a plan"


Love😏: so no more Adrian huh

You: you're welcome

Love😏: yea whatever, so you're either Draco or Blaise, I definitely know which one I prefer

You:very funny

Love😏: 🙄

You: since your cheating so will I

Love😏: what

You: I have someone coming to talk to Astoria and star whichever one you are

Love😏: then I'm hiding

You: they'll still find you

I sat in my room with Blaise as we went over what We were going to do
" so we are both going to talk to both of them" he asked
I nodded " it will confuse her" I say
" we'll start with Astoria"

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝- Draco Malfoy Texting Story Where stories live. Discover now