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Draco's pov
" it's not fair to her Draco, she think she is going to win but she isn't, just tell her"
" no this was apart of the deal, technically" I told Blaise
" I'm going to dinner, you coming?"
" yea, in a few minutes"
He nodded and left

Star's POV
Pansy and I were heading to dinner as I was texting him
" what didn't you put on any of the new cases?" She asked " I'm waiting till I get my phone back this is his remember?"

We sat at the slytheirn table and pansy started gathering food and putting it on her plate
We were both startled by Blaise sitting down across from us " uh, hello Blaise" I say
" star, pansy, look in telling you this because it's only fair ok?" Pansy and I looked at each nervously and then nodded to him

" Draco is the one you've been texting, he's known it was you for a week now but didn't tell you because he wanted to keep on playing anonymous act, so you're welcome" he stood up and left

Pansy and I looked at each other both of out mouths hanging open, we each close each other's mouths as we saw Blaise talking to Draco at the entrance of the great hall Draco was angrily talking to Blaise, Draco saw us and we turned our heads quickly

" shit he's coming" pansy said looking
I turned my head as I felt him sit next to me
He looked me in the eyes before setting my phone down on the table
I set his down quickly " fuck me!" I yell as I grab my phone and leave the great hall

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝- Draco Malfoy Texting Story Where stories live. Discover now