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Liked by, ThebrightestStar, Adrianpussy, the.chosen.one, Parkinson.Pansy and 696 others
dmalfoy: she's cute

ThebrightestStar: I know I am 😌

Adrianpussy: that's where you were all afternoon?

Parkinson.Pansy: match made in heaven

the.chosen.one: Malfoy being nice? Never heard of that one
dmalfoy: shut up scar face
the.chosen.one:no you ferret


" so how was it?" Pansy asked " amazing"
" did you know," she smirked " Pansy, no we didn't even kiss"
" Draco Malfoy, didn't kiss on the first date, he's usually would already have you in bed" she stood "well I'm sitting with him at dinner in a few minutes, are you coming?"
" yea"

I changed into something more comfortable and then Pansy and I headed down to the great hall
" hello beautiful" Draco said as I sat down next to him
" hey, star are you free this weekend?" Cormac came up to the table
" Cormac we've been over this, no"

"You'll go out with me one day" he smirked " doubt it"
" is he still obsessing over you?" Pansy said " I guess so"
"Jealous draco?" Pansy smirked " no, why would I be jealous of Cormac?" He scoffed " sure Draco"
I rolled my eyes at pansy, always starting things


Draco🧍🏼: where are you right now

You: transfiguration

Draco🧍🏼: hurry up I'm outside

You: well I can't exactly rush time Draco

Draco🧍🏼: just hurry up

I got out of class and Draco was outside the door, he quickly grabbed my hand and led me outside the castle
I laughed softly " Draco where are we going?"
" hogsmeade I need to get my mother a present, and I thought..."
" I'd love to spend time with you Draco" I smiled as I finished his sentence
He smiled as we walked into a store

"She loves dresses maybe I'll get her that"
" what are you getting your father?"
" he doesn't like getting gifts, for special occasions he just puts more money in my gringotts account"
I nodded
" Draco you can't get her that dress that dress is for like a old woman" I said looking at the dreadful dress

" she is old" he looks at me confused " well you don't want to make her feel like it, get her a sun dress, something flowery,simple, flowy, modern"
" I suppose"

As we looked at more stores he ended up buying me things even when I refused he still bought it
"You really didn't have to Draco" I said holding you the bag " let me" he said grabbing the bags out my hand "you deserve it" he winked.
I unlocked my dorm door and pansy was inside with Astoria " now he takes you shopping, maybe I should have swapped phones with him" pansy said referring to what Astoria said

I rolled my eyes " just set them here I guess" i gesture to my bed " dray dray do you mind taking me shopping?" Pansy batted her eyes " don't call me that" he said in disgust "why not that's your name in star's phone"
My eyes widened and Draco was just smirking at me " no it's not" I blushed " you can use it all you want" Draco said heading to the door
" I'm heading to the library" he announced " can I come?" I asked
He smiled and nodded and I quickly walked out door with him " didn't I tell you you'd like me by the end of this?"
" I guess you were right"

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