Prologue - The Pevensies

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"You're not very good at this, are you?" Marcel said to me with a smirk formed on his face.

Mrs. Macready informed us that the new guests would be arriving today so we had to clean up our rooms. Marcel got done with his quickly, but I'm not the best at cleaning. I was trying to fold up my clothes to put them in my dresser, but I can't fold at all. Marcel came to help me after he was done with his, and I wasn't even close.

"Shut up." I said rolling my eyes and laughing at the same time.

He walked over to me and grabbed the sweater out of my hand. I sighed as he folded it
perfectly and placed it in the top drawer.

"You're hopeless." He joked.

"Well, it's certainly a good thing that I have you." I said while smiling.

He smiled and wrapped on arm around my shoulders. Marcel was the best. He's been there for me my whole life, and not because he's my brother. We've lived with the professor our whole lives. We never heard anything about our parents. We never asked because we figured the professor wouldn't want to talk about it, plus he's really busy. Mrs. Macready is alright, even though she's busy most of the time too. Marcel and I usually spend the days together. He's really all I have.

Marcel folded my clothes while I made me bed. As soon as we were done, we collapsed on my bed. We both sighed at the same time, which made us laugh.

"What do you think the new kids are going to be like?" I asked him after a couple of moments.

"I don't know. As long as there is a magnificent guy that I can stare at, I'll be good."

I laughed. Marcel is gay, in other words, he likes men instead of women. I didn't mind at all really. He wasn't afraid to act and dress the way he wanted to, and he's not afraid to be who he wants to be. He never cared what people thought of him.

"You never know." I said through laughing.


We jumped off of my bed when we heard Mrs. Macready call us downstairs. I brushed through my hair quickly and followed Marcel down the stairs. He grabbed my arm and led me down the stairs. We reached the bottom and I straightened my skirt. My brown hair fell into lose curls onto my shoulders. Mrs. Macready stood in front of us with four children beside her, and they all looked different ages.

The youngest girl had brown hair the went to her cheeks. She held her sisters hand tightly. She had a long tan coat on with a hat to match. Her sister had brown curly hair that went to her shoulders. She looked the same age as me, and she gave me a small smile. The younger boy on the end had dark brown hair and was a little taller than his younger sister. He didn't have a smile on his face like the rest of them. He just stood there with a angry frown on his face.

Then there was the oldest brother. He had blonde hair and very blue eyes, which were beautiful. He had a small smile formed on his face as he looked around the house. When his gaze landed on me, I looked away quickly and I felt a heat beginning to form in my cheeks.

"Children, this is Marcel and Hazel Hansen. They will be showing you around, and will show you to your rooms." She introduced us.

With that being said, she turned around on her heels and walked out of the room. Marcel clapped his hands and smiled at them.

"It's lovely to meet you. I'm Marcellus, but most people call me Marcel." He introduced.

"My name is Hazel. I don't have a cool name like his." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

They laughed, except for the younger brother. I wonder what his problem is. The oldest boy stepped forward and held his hand out to me.

"I'm Peter." He said kindly.

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