Chapter 4 - Welcome To Narnia.

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The next morning, we all got up and ate breakfast so we could go outside. The weather was very nice out today so we decided to spend the day getting fresh air.

Lucy hasn't said much since last night because she was still upset. She mostly read 'A Christmas Carol' and like me, reading seemed like the only thing that kept her calm.

The other three Pevensies and Marcel were playing cricket together, while I sat next to Lucy. She insisted on me reading 'A Christmas Carol' to her. We sat under a tree so we wouldn't get hot in the sun, but I couldn't help and glance at Peter every once in awhile. It made me smile a little when he would smile brightly and laugh loudly. I held my mouth so I wouldn't laugh when Peter threw the ball and hit Edmund right in the hip.

"Ow!" Edmund cried rubbing his hip with his hand. I looked over at Lucy and we started to laugh quietly.

"Whoops! Wake up dolly daydream!" Peter said through laughing.

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?" Edmund asked. I looked over at Lucy and she stopped laughing. I placed my hand on her shoulder, and she gave me a small smile.

"I thought you said it was a kid's game?" Marcel said to him.

"Besides, we could all use the fresh air!" Susan said.

"It's not like there isn't air inside!" Edmund snapped back at her. Peter rolled his eyes as he grabbed the ball. He glanced over at me and gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"Are you ready?" Peter asked Edmund.

"Are you?" Edmund mocked, hitting his bat against the ground. Peter threw the ball, and Edmund hit it this time. Mine and Lucy's mouthes widened as we watched it fly through a window in the mansion. I looked at the others and they all seemed shocked as well. We all got got up and ran inside the house quickly. We ran to the room that the ball went into and there was shattered glass and a knocked over suit of armor everywhere.

"Well done, Ed." Peter said.

"You threw it!" Edmund said to him.

"What on Earth is going on up there?" We all heard Mrs. Macready shout from downstairs.

"Oh no!" Marcel groaned.

"Let's go!" Peter shouted.

I grabbed Lucy's hand and we ran out of the room as fast as we could. The others followed us quickly as we ran up the stairs. I pulled Lucy's hand down the hall, but I could hear footsteps in front of us. I stopped and motioned for the others to turn around. We ran back down the hallway and turned towards the library. Susan led us down, but then she stopped when she heard Mrs. Macready's footsteps once again. Peter ran a different direction, and we all followed. It seemed as if her footsteps were everywhere we went. Edmund turned down a different hallway when we heard her footsteps again. He ran to a door, and tried to open it, but it was locked. He ran to the door next to it, and it flew open. Peter and Marcel began pushing everyone inside the room. I then realized where we were as soon as we walked into the room. Edmund ran to the wardrobe in the back of the room, and opened the door widely. He turned back at us, when he realized we weren't following him.

"Come on!" He shouted at us.

"You've got to be joking." Susan muttered under her breath.

When we heard the footsteps again, I didn't hesitate to grab Lucy's hand, and pull her after me. Edmund got into the wardrobe, and Lucy followed right behind him. I motioned for the other three to get in and they all came over, even though you could hear Susan's sigh from a mile away. She got into the wardrobe first, and after she did, Peter placed his hand on my back and helped me inside the small wardrobe. He followed me shortly after, and Marcel was the last to enter. He peeked out the door, and when he heard the footsteps getting closer, he shut the door quietly. We all began moving back in the wardrobe as we all complained how crowded we all were. I yelled out in pain as one of them accidentally stepped on my foot. That caused me to fall back and land in something cold. Peter was on the ground right next to me. I put my hands on either side of me, but they immediately became cold. I lifted them up and saw that they had... snow on them?

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