Chapter 10 - The Frozen River.

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Hazel's P.O.V.

When we got to the river, we all realized that Peter was right. The river was only partially frozen. The waterfall and a small part in front of it was frozen, and large chunks of ice were coming off the ends. If we are going to cross this river, we are going to have to do it soon.

"We need to cross now!" Peter said to us.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked Mr. Beaver.

"I'm not that fast, dear!" Mr. Beaver said to her. Peter grabbed Lucy's hand.

"Come on!" Peter said as he pulled Lucy along. The beavers and I followed behind him, but Susan grabbed my arm and stopped us.

"Wait! Will you just think about this for a minute?" Susan asks Peter. Oh my lord, we are wasting time!

"We clearly don't have a minute!" Peter said to her.

"I'm just trying to be realistic." Susan argued with him.

"No, you're just trying to be smart. As usual!" He argued back.

He dragged Lucy behind him and the beavers followed. I looked down at them, and then turned around to look at Susan. She looked down at the river, but when we heard the wolves howling, we both looked back in the direction we came from. We had to go now.

"Susan, we have to go!" I said as I grabbed her hand and dragged her along behind me.

We ran down the hill and caught up with the others. As Peter looked at the river, I could tell that he was really worried about this. The river was melting quickly and we didn't have much time. Peter placed his foot out on the ice, but it immediately began to crack. He pulled his foot back quickly and the ice slowly came back up.

"Wait." I said as I slowly moved up front. If I had control over the water, I could try to keep the ice stable until we got across. I bent down and touched the ice with my hand. My eyes closed and I could feel the ice becoming slightly harder underneath my finger tips. The sensation ran through me.

"Maybe I should go first." I said as I stood back up.

"No." Peter said almost immediately, which made me look back up at him.

"If I go first, I can try to solidify the ice long enough to get us across. You all will just have to stay close to me." I told him. He looked very worried about me, but I grabbed his other hand and held it tightly.

"It'll be okay. Just stay close," I assured him and then I turned to Mr. Beaver, "Once I head out, lead the way and make sure everyone stays close."

He nodded his head and backed up. I looked out at the river and my heart started pounding. You can do this, Hazel. You can do this.

I placed one foot into the ice, and I felt the sensation run through my feet. The ice hardened underneath my foot, and I took another step. The ice immediately hardened underneath my next foot. I heard Mr. Beaver start coming behind me. I turned around and he began patting his tail on the ice. I wasn't sure how long the ice would stay like that, so he needs to move it.

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver called out to him.

"Well you never know which meal's going to be your last!" He called back, "Especially with your cooking."

I heard the others start walking closely behind me. The waterfall started to crack, which made Lucy scream. I jumped, which caused the ice to start melt again. I stopped for a second and closes my eyes. Focus Hazel. You can't lose focus.

The ice hardened underneath my foot a couple of moments later and I let out a sigh of relief. I continued walking slowly, and the other side of the woods seemed to get closer and closer. We were almost there.

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