Chapter 3 - Some Children Just Don't Know When To Stop Pretending

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"Peter! Peter, wake up!"

Those are the shouts that I heard during the middle of the night. I threw my robe on and ran out of my room, hearing footsteps behind me. I'm guessing it was Marcel, Susan, and Edmund.

I ran down the hall to Peter's room, who's door was wide open with the light on. Peter was rubbing his eyes as Lucy sat on his bed, yelling for him to wake up.

"Lucy, what are you talking about?" He was asking her when we walked in.

"Narnia was in the wardrobe like I told you!" She yelled with excitement.

Susan sat down on the bed next to her, and Edmund, Marcel, and I stood by the doorway. Peter glanced over at me, and I could see how tired he was of this. I could understand his reason for being a little frustrated.

"You've just been dreaming, Lucy!" Susan said to her.

"But I haven't! I saw Mr. Tumnus again, and this time, Edmund went too!"

We all turned towards Edmund, who leaned against the doorway and he glanced around at all of us. He was there with her?

"You saw the faun?" Peter asked him.

Edmund slowly shook his head, which made things more confusing for me. Why would Lucy say he was there if he's denying it? I'm wondering if I should rethink this whole believing Lucy thing.

"Well, he didn't actually go there with me. He... what were you doing, Edmund?" Lucy asked turning towards him.

We all turned towards him. Susan tilted her head a little because I knew she wanted to here what he was going to say. I honestly had a feeling he was going to say something mean.

"I was just playing along! I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know little children these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending." Edmund said with a smirk growing on his face at Lucy.

I looked over at Lucy, who had tears pouring down her face. She hid her face in her hands and ran out of the bedroom. I ran behind her, and I heard the others following me. I heard a thud and Edmund say something after, so I'm guessing that was Peter. Lucy ran up the stairs and I followed her as quickly as I could.

"Lucy!" I called after her.

When I turned the corner, I saw her arms thrown around the Professor's waist. He had a confused look on his face as he glanced up at me for an explanation. I felt someone bump into me from behind, so I had to grab the wall for support. I was about to open my mouth for an explanation, but that's when I heard Mrs. Macready run down the hall. Oh great.

"You children are one shenanigan away from sleeping in the stable-" She started to yell, but she stopped an her eyes widened when she saw Professor Kirke.

"Professor. I'm sorry, sir. I told them you were not to be disturbed." She said calmly.

"That's alright, Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. Now, I think this one is in need of a little hot chocolate." He said, gently leading Lucy to Mrs. Macready. She put her arm around Lucy, and led her to the kitchen. We all turned around and started to walk away when we heard the Professor clear his throat. We all stopped, and turned around. He motioned for us to follow him, and we walked inside his office. I've only been his office a few times, but it always looks the same. He never moves things around. He sat at his desk and picked up his pipe. Peter stood a couple of steps behind me, and it gave me weird feeling that I couldn't describe.

"You seem to have upset the internal balance of my housekeeper." He said, glancing towards Marcel and I since it was our job to make sure they behaved themselves. Don't get me wrong, the Professor is a nice guy, but I always feel bad when we let him down.

"We're very sorry, sir." Marcel said to him.

"It won't happen again." Peter said. He grabbed my hand and tried to drag me behind him, but I let go of it quickly towards the Professor.

"It's their sister, sir. Her name is Lucy." I said to him.

"The weeping girl?"

"Yes sir. She's upset." Susan said to him.

"Hence the weeping." He said, blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"It's alright! We can handle it." Peter said, obviously not wanting to discuss it.

"She says she's found a magical land in the upstairs wardrobe." I said.

The Professor's smile disappeared and his eyes widened, which really surprised me. When you say things like that to most adults, they just laugh at the fantasies, but that wasn't the case here. He stood up from his desk and placed a hand on my shoulder. He starting leading us to the couches in his office.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"A wardrobe upstairs." Marcel with a confused look on his face. He probably noticed the Professor's reaction as well.

"Lucy thinks there is a forest inside." Peter said as we all sat down.

"What was it like?" The Professor asked with a shocked look on his face.

"Like talking to a lunatic!" Susan said.

"No, not her. The forest."

Wait, what?

"You're not saying you believe her?" Peter asked in disbelief.

"Well, don't you?" He asked.

"Well of course not! Logically, it's impossible!" Susan said.

"What about you two?" The Professor asked Marcel and I.

"We don't know." Marcel said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Susan asked him.

"We've had this weird feeling ever since Lucy said the name of the land." He said.

"What's the name of this forest?" Professor Kirke asked us.

"Narnia." I said, and the familiar feeling ran through me.

"Narnia.." The Professor said and he looked like he was dozing. Has he heard of this place too?

"Sir?" Peter asked him.

"Edmund said they were only pretending." Marcel said.

"And he's the more truthful one?" The Professor asked.

"No, this would be the first time." Peter said slowly.

"Well then she's not lying and she isn't mad so logically, we must assume she's telling the truth." The Professor said, starting his pipe again. I looked at Peter and he looked surprised.

"So you're saying that we should just believe her?"

"She's your sister, isn't she? You're a family! It's time that you start acting like one!"

Peter and Susan seemed surprised by the Professor's words, but I knew that wasn't what Marcel and I were thinking. The Professor was acting strange tonight.

Why did he act like he knew Narnia too? Maybe he did...


YAY! I updated!!

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