Chapter 1 - Hide & Seek

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It was still raining the next day. The mood was pretty miserable, considering all we were doing was sitting in the library. Lucy sat by the window, staring at the rain and the grey outside. Edmund was underneath one of the chairs doing.... who knows what. Peter sat in an armchair, his head slouched and he looked bored out of his mind. I sat between Marcel and Susan on the couch. Susan made up this game to pass the time, but I wasn't paying that much attention. All I knew was that it was pretty boring. She held a huge dictionary on her lap and faced Peter.

"Gas-tro-vascular." She said to him.

Peter didn't say anything. He just fiddled around with his hands, which made Susan sigh.

"C'mon Peter! Gastrovascular!"

"Is it Latin?" Peter asked, rolling his eyes slightly.


"Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" Edmund asked, sitting up from under the chair. I smiled a little to myself because that was actually pretty funny. Susan let out a huff and slammed the book shut.

"We could play hide & seek." Lucy suggested, walking over to Peter. He glanced over at me and smiled.

"But we're already having so much fun." He said sarcastically, which made me giggle. When he turned towards Lucy again, I felt Marcel elbow me lightly. I turned towards him, and he had his right eyebrow raised at me. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm.

"C'mon Peter! Please!" Lucy begged.

She gave him the puppy dog eyes, and they looked very cute on her. Peter gave me a glance and I nodded my head with a huge smile on my face. He sighed and started to smile at Lucy.

"One.. Two.. Three.."

Lucy smiled widely and Edmund groaned. Susan playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. We all stood up and ran in different directions. Lucy and Edmund went one way, and Susan, Marcel, and I ran the other way towards the kitchen. Mrs. Macready was in there mopping the floors, so we had to watch where we stepped. Marcel went over to the pantry and hide underneath the shelves while Susan and I ran out of the kitchen. We ran down the hallway and up the stairs. I stopped in my tracks when I saw two chests that looked just our size. I grabbed her arm and pointed to the crates. We each ran to one and climbed inside. I made sure to not smash my fingers when I shut the lid. I could hear Peter counting from the library.

"Ninety-four.. Ninety-five.. Ninety-six.."

As soon as he reached one hundred, I could hear Lucy yelling-

"It's alright! I'm back! I'm alright!"

That's strange? I pushed the lid of the chest open and saw Susan sitting up from her chest as well. Marcel came running around the corner from the kitchen. He helped us out of our chests and we ran down the hall to find Lucy. We walked a different way there so we didn't bother Mrs. Macready. We walked up the stairs and around the corner to find Peter, Lucy, and Edmund.

"Weren't you wonder where I was?" Lucy asked.

"That's the point! That's why he was seeking you!" Edmund said to her like she was dumb, but I could tell something was up with Lucy.

"Does this mean the ladies and I win?" Marcel jokingly asked putting his arms around our shoulders, which made Susan and I laugh.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." Peter said to us.

"I've been gone for hours?" Lucy said with a confused look formed on her face.

Now I'm confused. What did she mean that she was gone for hours? We all gave her confused looks, and Marcel bent down in front of her.

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