Chapter 33: A new demon is born.

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"We can turn him into a demon."

"What what?" I yelled. "We can't turn him into a demon, that's not how it works."

"Actually, it is, sort of. We're the Ciphers. We can do a lot of things most other demons can't do."

"What do you mean Quill?" Bill asked.

"The Cipher's are one of the most powerful demons out there. You should know this. You just need five members of a powerful demon family and you can turn someone into a demon with a spell."

"Uncle Tad! Why didn't you tell us earlier? We can save him!"

"Will, this is going to take a lot of everyone's energy. We're giving him our magic, and it's going to take time for everyone to regain it."

"I'm still going to help my twin. So if I lose magic so his boyfriend can live, I'll be fine. So I'll help."

"And I will too, I may not like the guy, but I've missed your entire life, it's the least I can do." Quill said.

"I'll help too! You're my baby brother, so of course I'll help you."

"That's four. Uncle Tad, will you please help me?" Uncle Tad gave me a small smile.

"Of course I'll help you kiddo."

"Thank you, all of you. But, I need to ask Dipper."

"I'm sure he'll say yes Will. He sacrificed his life to save yours. He loves you Will." Bill told me.

"He sacrificed his life for you?" Quill asked.

"Yes, he did. I died and he saved me even though he could've died." Quill looked at Dipper for a second.

"I guess he isn't such a bad guy after all." She mumbled.

"I'm going to still ask him. It's a lot to handle, becoming immortal." I said. "I'll be back in a bit." I quickly went into Dipper's mindscape. He was still on the couch looking through another memory book.

"Hey Will."

"H-Hey Dipper." I went to sit next to him as he closed the book in his hands. "I need to ask you something."

"Will I already know. I could hear everything mostly."

"A-are you sure? You wouldn't be able to die naturally and-"

"Will, I'm sure. I would be with you right? That's all that matters to me." I hugged Dipper.

"Okay, okay. You'll wake up soon and you'll have to take it easy and don't try any magic either. It could get out of hand."

"Okay. You'll help me right?"

"Of course I'll help you. I got to go, I'll see you soon."

"Okay Will." I shimmered away and faced my family.

"What did he say?" Quill asked.

"He said yes. What do we need to do?" We moved the chairs out of the way and put candles around the couch. When I asked why we needed candles Quill said 'cause no ritual is complete without candles.'

"Okay everyone, grab hands and circle around him." Quill told us. We all linked our hands. "We have to say this together four times, 'Fimm meðlimir allir af sama blóði, gefðu krafti okkar í nauð. Sama kostnaðurinn. Taktu hluta af krafti okkar og gerðu þá eins og okkur' Got it?" We all nodded our heads.

"Fimm meðlimir allir af sama blóði, gefðu krafti okkar í nauð. Sama kostnaðurinn. Taktu hluta af krafti okkar og gerðu þá eins og okkur." Our voices merged together. The candles turned blue, then green, yellow, red and purple. "Fimm meðlimir allir af sama blóði, gefðu krafti okkar í nauð. Sama kostnaðurinn. Taktu hluta af krafti okkar og gerðu þá eins og okkur." Dipper was lifted a few inches above the couch. The tips of his hair became blue. I felt magic slip away from me. Dipper was slowly let down. "Fimm meðlimir allir af sama blóði, gefðu krafti okkar í nauð. Sama kostnaðurinn. Taktu hluta af krafti okkar og gerðu þá eins og okkur." We all took a breath and let go of our hands.

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