Chapter 6: Will is a sneaky little demon.

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Last time on stand up,

I even looked in his old room and Mabel's. I can't find him anywhere when there's a tap on my shoulder. I immediately went into defensive mode cause I thought it was Mabel. I flipped around and my hand glowed blue from my power. 

I heard a giggle.

"Jeezes Dipper, calm down." I let my guard down.

"Will, what the heck? You scared the crap out of me! Where were you?" Will just smiled and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to scare you."

I sighed and hugged him back "You're a jerk you know that?"

"Yeah I know, but I'm your jerk."

"You're right," I pulled back on the hug, " but Will, you really scared me. I thought Mabel got a hold of you, I was really worried."

Will looked down. "I'm s-sorry Master." Why do I love the stupid studder?

"Hey, it's okay Will. And are we going back to old names now? What happened to Dipper?" he blushed.

"Oh, sorry force of habit. I know you hate it when I say that and I'm rambling, aren't I?"

I laugh, "It's okay, my pet. Ugh that feels so weird on my tongue." Will smiled.

"WILL!!!" What does she want now?

"Let's go see what she wants, sorry I have to do this," I snap my fingers and blue chains appear on his wrists. "Remember they're not real. You can get out of them anytime."

"I know, I have a really bad feeling about this." Will and I walked to Mabel's room.

"What do you want with my pet sister?"

Dipper stop with the joke.

Nope! Mabel stalked over to us, her heels clicking the wooden floor.

"Oh nothing, I'm just bored." She grabbed the chain and dragged Will to the basement.

I chased after them, "Sister, I don't think it's a good idea, he's still healing from yesterday." Though I tried to hide it, worry started to creep into my voice. She just scoffed me off and opened the door, before I could follow her in, she used her powers to keep me back. She closed and locked the door. I pounded at the frame. The door was magic proof, I couldn't use my powers to get in, I just hope Will will be okay.

Hey everyone! So it was Will behind Dipper, but what's Mabel going to do to Will? I wonder. Is she going to cut his eye out, possibly. But that's a whole other chapter my dear readers. Anyway thanks for reading this trash. While I was away, I had a lot of time to write, and I mean a lot. so I wrote a good three chapters but, I will not post them all at once. But make sure you stay safe, stay healthy, but most of all keep on keepin' odd everybody!


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