Bill Cipher gets angry.

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(video has nothing to do with the story I don't own the video or characters)

"Tyrone!" Dipper Pines yelled.

"What are you doing here Mason?" Bill, Will's twin brother asked me.

"I need your help. It's about Will. He's hurt and he passed out. I don't know how to treat him. Please help me, Bill." I cried desperately. Bill doesn't like me so much cause of how I treated Will when I first met him, but if there's one person we both love it's Will. Bill's face went grim and he nodded. I opened another portal and Bill, Dipper and I went through. Bill jumped to Will's side.

"What happened?" I was panting.

"Mabel, she- she took, took Will's left eye out. I don't know how to treat him." Blue flames appeared around Bill.

"SHE WHAT?! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT LITTLE SON OF A-" Dipper Pines wrapped his arms around Bill's body and the flames started to diminish. I've never seen Bill calm down so quickly. Wait are they? Before I could ask, my head started to spin. I started to stagger around my room. My eyes started to feel heavy.

"Tyrone!" Then everything went black.

Dream sequence/ flashback.

"Mabel! Bring that pathetic demon over here! We need his blood for this!" I yelled.

"One second Mason!" Mabel dragged William over to the circle.

"W-what are y-you going to d-do to m-me Master?" I slapped Will across the face.

"Don't speak unless spoken to!" William whimpered and nodded. "Mabel, be a good sister and make him bleed." She smiled and pulled out the knife.

"With ple-" howls could be heard from nearby. Will sucked in a breath. Mabel immediately teleported away. Unfaithful witch.

"Get up Will." he scrambled to his feet. "Do you know what that was?"

"Hell hounds." He said blankly. Well crap. I never have faced a hellhound before but I have read about them. Great Uncle Stanford will love a specimen.

"New plan William, we're capturing a hell hound."

"Master I don't think-"

"What did I say about speaking unless spoken to?" Will whimpered and stopped talking. The howling started up again and a pack of three big wolves jumped out of the bushes. They were all black with glowing red lines. Their eyes were glowing blue. Will looked petrified, and I couldn't blame him for once, they were terrifying. I stood in front of him and started to cast a spell, I closed my eyes and concentrated.

I heard snarling and opened my eyes. A hell hound came charging towards me and before I could react Will knocked me out of the way. He quickly stood up and mumbled a spell. A force field appeared around us.

He helped me up. "Quickly, the force field won't last long." A portal opened. He grabbed my wrist and we both ran into the portal just as the force field went down. We entered my room. We both were panting.

"Holy crap." I looked over to my pet and he collapsed to the ground. "Will! Get up you demon!" I went beside him. I picked him up and laid him down on my bed. "He just tuckered himself out, Mason. You don't need to worry." Why was I worrying? I went downstairs to see if Mabel was home. She was sitting at the table looking at her nails.

"Oh, you're back. Where's the slave?"

"He's resting, he used his powers too much. When Great Uncle Stanford gets back, we need to tell him Hell Hounds are in the forest, he'll love to get a specimen."

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