Morning Mishaps

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~Jinmee's P.O.V~

I woke up up to the brightness of the sun and the sound of tweeting birds later in the morning. Discombobulated and still tired, I sat there, trying to gather myself before I crawled out of my room. In the midst of this moment, I noticed that something was off, like there was something missing.

I disregarded the thought soon after it popped into my head. I was still tired and completely out of it; I c I uld be completely wrong.

Deciding to get out of bed, I threw off the fluffy cotton covers and was soon struck with the question of where Donghae had gone.

That's what was off.

I quickly walked out of the room and went to look for him, heading straight to the first place where I suspected him to be.

I abruptly barged into Donghae's room. And sure enough, lying down in bed doing who knows what, were both Donghaes.

"Good morning you two," I said softly as I paced over to where they were lying.

They both looked up at the sound of my voice and smiled up at me.

"Good morning, eomma," the pair said, pausing whatever had been taking up their attention on the computer.

I sighed in half irritation and defeat at Lee Donghae calling me his mother. I honestly didn't really care at this point.

"I'll leave you alone for now and go make breakfast, okay?"

They nodded and resumed whatever they were doing before I interrupted. I closed the door softly as I backed out of the room and headed to the kitchen, taking notice of the few members sitting on the sofa "watching" TV. They looked like they'd just died and come back to life. I felt bad for thinking of them like that, but it was unmistakably true; they looked absolutely terrible and absolutely tired.

I tip-toed past them and into the kitchen, pulling out a few pots and pans when I reached my destination. Instead of getting started on making breakfast, I contemplated on what to fix, having not thought my plan through.

I decided to just make a western/American style breakfast in the end.

I took out the ingredients for homemade pancakes and got started. I was about to pour something into the batter when a hand stopped me.

"What are you doing?" Ryeowook asked.

"I'm making a freakin' bomb. What does it look like I'm doing?" I answered sarcastically.

He sighed, took what I was holding out of my hand, and shoved it in my face.

"Really? You're making pancakes with salt? Are you sure you're making pancakes?" he said, exasperated.

"Don't pancakes have salt in them?"

"Yah, pabo, pancakes have a teaspoon of salt. You can't just dump it in like you were about to do,"


He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes.

"And I thought I taught you well enough. I'll take over on the pancakes. You can make the eggs and bacon. I'm hoping you at least know how to do that without killing us,"

Not bothering to protest, I scooted over to the counter to grab the pack of bacon and do my assigned job.

"Why were you born with the cooking skills I should have had?" I asked when a short period of silence settled between us.

"I don't know. I do know that I have to supervise you while you're in the kitchen so that we don't die by you pouring something into the food,"

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