Chapter 2

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I got to Elena's and knocked on the door. I waited there for a minute until my cousin Fernando opened the door.

"Cecelia, ¿qué haces aquí?(Cecelia, what are you doing here?)" Fernando asked me as he opened the door wide enough for me to walk through.

"Estoy aquí para hablar con Elena.( I'm here to talk to Elena.)"

"Elena salió, debería volver pronto. (Elena went out she should be back soon.)" I nodded and sat down on their couch.  A few minutes later I hear the door open and Elena walked in dragging a very large unconscious man with her.

"Elena? Que esta pasando?( Elena? What is going on?)" Elena used her powers to get him into the bathroom.

"¡Cecelia! Te extrañé. Trabaja con los hombres malos con los chicos.( Cecelia! i missed you. He works with the bad men with the guns.)" I nodded knowing about the arms deals Elena and Fernando handled.

"Entonces, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí Lia?( So what are you doing here Lia?)" Elena asked me once she tied up the man in the bathroom.

"Creo que Dios me dio regalos como te hizo a ti.( I believe that God gave me gifts as he did you.)" Elenas eyes widened as a smile made its way to her face.

"eso es increíble Lia!( That's amazing Lia!)"

"Mis poderes son similares a los tuyos. pero en cambio no puedo rebotar de nuevo al mismo lugar. (My powers are similar to yours. but instead I can't bounce back to the same place.)" I explained but before she could respond the man in the bathroom made a noise indicating he was waking up. Elena sped over and shut the door. She moves over to look at the weapons with Fernando.

"ahora no lo dudes.  hoy nos deshacemos del problema.(now do not hesitate.  today we get rid of the problem.)" Elena said  as Fernando picked up a crate of weapons.

"usted debe estar ahí.( You should be there.)" He argued.

"Me ocuparé de la complicación en el baño.( I'll deal with the complication in the bathroom.) She countered. They both walked over to the door and Elena opened it for him.

"Llámame cuando haya terminado.(Call me when it's done.)" She shut the door and walked over to the bathroom. She opened  the door and walked in.

"¿Por qué estás en Bogotá?(Why are you in Bogota?)" I heard her ask.

"Been waiting for you to come back." Suddenly Elena went flying out of the bathroom as the man stepped out. I jumped up from my place on the couch. The man went to open the door but I use sped over and shut the door, standing in front of him. He stared at me.

"You speed around too." He looked at me and then to Elena," and you snap back to the same place like a yo-yo. Good to know." He grabbed a knife,

"How about you let me" He didn't get to finish due to Elena grabbing the knife from his hand cutting him.

"Damn it!" Elena got up and pulled a gun on him and tossed one to me. I pointed it at him aiming for his arm. I don't want to kill the man.

"I'm starting to hate you two."

"No mas.(no more.)" Elena says to him.

That's Chapter 2! I was excited to finally write Mack in. Please comment your thoughts. I'm sorry if any of the Spanish is wrong. I was using google translate and the closed captions on the episode.

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