Chapter 16

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"Once the hangar doors are open, his monster patrol will storm the base. Any idea how man Hive infected?"

Mack, Coulson, Lincoln, May, my sister and I all walked down the hallway ready to take on Hive.

"Everyone in Quadrant D, along with agents O'Brian and Marshall." Mack's question was answered by Coulson. Mack's face morphed into one of shock.

"That's something like 20 agents?" A rumbling cut off their conversation as we all looked around for the source.

"Was that Daisy?" Elena said as she stepped up. Just then Jemma and Fitz made their way out of the lab,

"Daisy's in trouble."

"Sir, there's been a malfunction in Daisy's containment module." Fitz held up a tablet for Coulson to see.

"You check the feed from the plane?" Mack questioned Fitzsimmons.

"Yeah, it's gone dark after the earthquake." Answered Fitz.

"So either the Primitives found their way down to her or-" Coulson started before he was cut off by May,

"She found a way up."

"No." Disbelief was evident in Lincoln's voice.

"Take a look. Report back ASAP." Said Coulson.

"Fitz." May said before walking off, the Scottish man following.

"What the hell are your Primitives capable of?" Coulson questioned Dr. Radcliffe, who had just joined their circle.

"Well it's hard to say really. I mean, these creatures are in their infancy."

"You did create them, didn't you?" Mack asked.

"It was either that or be eaten. I never would've created something so unsophisticated. I mean, the crudeness of these creatures it's really quite, heartbreaking." Radcliffe responded.

"Eaten?" I wondered aloud. Elena simply shrugged at me.

"We'll discuss the consequences of your science fair later. Right now, we need to know exactly what we're up against." Coulson ignored my wonderings.

"The Primitives possess adrenaline-induced peak-human strength but rather poor eyesight. They're connected to Hive in the same way that Daisy was, but they don't exhibit any original thoughts of their own."

"They have memories?" Asked Jemma.

"They possess memories of previous talents, weapon skills and the like."

"We have over 20 ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agents that know this base inside out. How long before they find their way through the hangar doors?" Mack raised his voice.

"Several hours at least." The lights started to flicker and a thudding noise was be heard.

"They May not have to." Lincoln muttered. Mack crouched down and felt the ground. Maybe he is trying to be a turtle? He then looked up with a worried look on his face.

"They're in the vents." That makes more sense then him being a turtle.

"Lock down the armory." Coulson said with authority. Mack left to presumably do that. Who knows if he will make it though. Such a turtle.

"Simmons, secure what you can in the lab and then rendezvous in my office. Lincoln, Cece, and I will protect the nerve center." The three of us nodded before Jemma headed into the lab. We all split up to go to our ordered areas.


The three of turned around at the sound of someone behind us. Radcliffe jogged up to us and gave us an annoyed look.

"When in doubt, follow the leader." We looked at each other before turning back to Radcliffe.

"Keep up Radcliffe." I said as we keep walking.


When we got to the hub we saw three Primitives ripping up the wiring. Without a second glance we kept running, hoping we weren't being chased.

The hall we turned into was pitch black causing us to turn on our flashlights. We ran into Mack who was carrying Elena in his arms.

"Help me get her into the workshop." He said and tried to move past us.

"They're right behind us." Coulson warned moving past Mack.

We went into another room and Radcliffe locked us in.

"What happened to my sister." I said as I ran up to Elena, who was still in Mack's arms, a look of pain on her face.

"The Primitives got to the armory first. Yo-Yo took a bullet for me. " He told us.

"Sir," Lincoln interrupted, " Where's everyone else?"


"Here, put her here." I cleared a spot on a nearby table for Mack to lay my sister down. Lincoln immediately started checking Yo-Yo.

"Look, it's really bad. She's bleeding out. I can't see." Mack said, "Hey Electric Company can you light things up." Lincoln pulled back Lenas top to reveal her wound. I let out a gasp at the sight of the would. I felt someone's arm wrap around me and looked up to see Coulson.

"I got it." He said and held up his flashlight.

"Oh that's not good. She's bleeding way too fast." Radcliffe said looking at Elenas wounds. I walked away from Coulson and moved closer to Elena. I held onto the cross on my chest as I said a silent prayer.

"Her metabolism must've increased to compensate for her inhuman speed." Lincoln explained.

"Can you fix it?" Mack asked.

"If we can get her an injection of Acebutolol from the lab."

"I'll go." I volunteered immediately.

"No it's not safe. We can't get to the lab cause this idiot turned good agents into kill zombies, so come up with something else." Mack raised his voice.

Dear God, if you are listening, please help my sister pull through.

Because I don't know what I would do if she doesn't.

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