Chapter 6

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Daisy, Joey, the man who's name I learned is Mack, and I are all sat in a van. Elena is stood outside ready to use her powers.
A tapping sound on the glass makes us all jump and look over to see Elena standing with a keycard.

My sister and I both smirked at everyone shocked faces. Mack rolled the window down so Elena can hand the keycard over.

"You're my new best friend." Daisy said as she grabbed the card from her.

"Okay." Mack said smiling, "Here." He showed us a tablet with the buildings layout.

"Two figures, not moving but alive. Assuming Bobbi and Hunter. The other figures moving in the station, assume bad guys." Mack finished.

"One of them has powers, so best we avoid him." Daisy continued.

"To that end." Mack handed Elena a metal rod looking thing.

"At S.H.I.E.L.D we do better than duct tape." He slapped the rod onto Elenas wrist and it locked around, like a hand cuff. She smirked at it and we all got ready to go inside.


We walked through a door with Elena and I following behind Daisy. I turned the corner to see Daisy start to fight off guards. Elena used her powers to take his gun.

Another guard started running at us. I ran at him and swept under his legs. Daisy blasted him back with her powers. Wow we really are like the Powerpuff Girls.


Daisy, Joey, Elena ,and I all were crouched down behind and upturned desk. Daisy turned to Joey,

"Okay, you grab the weapons, and I'll-" but before she could finish I got the weapons while Elena cuffed all the guards up.

"Or you do that." She smirked looking over the desk. We were all moving over to the guards when Mack's voice came over the radio,

" The Inhuman, the powers in his eyes." At that Elena ran out of the room.

"No Elena don't!" Daisy yelled as we ran after her. I saw a man clad in the same guard uniforms, the only difference was his black glasses. I looked up to see him cuffed but instead of Elena bouncing back in her place, she was on the floor, her skin a pale sickly grey.

"His glasses." Daisy realized. Joey used his powers to melt the glasses onto his face as Daisy knocked him back. I turned away from them and ran back to my sister.


I walked at the back of the group, now with Bobbi and Hunter in tow, Daisy led at the front holding on to the Inhuman.

"We'll configure the module to to hold him, and get Bobbi, Hunter, and Elena to medical." Right as Daisy said that a loud noise caused us all to stop. Suddenly a big hole was cut through the ceiling.

"What is that?" Joey questioned. A big net came down and grabbed the Inhuman, taking him up to the helicopter above.


Back at the plane called which I learned was called a quinjet, Elena and I argued with Joey,

"No, no vamos a ninguna parte.(No we're not going anywhere.)" I told him sternly.

"Aprenderás a usar tus poderes.(You'll learn how to use your powers.)" Joey tried to reason.

"Ya nos dimos cuenta de eso.(We already figured that out.)" Elena replied sassily.

"Las cosas son diferentes ahora. Ustedes son inhumanos.(Things are different now. You are Inhumans.)"

"También somos colombianos.(We are also Colombian.)" I countered.

"Y un gerente de oficina, una hija, una hermana, y una prima. Tengo que llevar a nuestra prima a casa.( And an office manager, and a daughter, and a sister, and a cousin. I have to take our cousin home.)" Elena told him.

"Tenemos que decirle a nuestra tía por qué murió.(We have to tell our aunt why he died.)"  I finished.

"Se que es difícil, pero te irá bien con S.H.I.E.L.D.( I know it's hard, but you'll do good with S.H.I.E.L.D.)"

"Lo estamos haciendo bien.( We're doing good.)" Elena said.

"Cerca de casa.(Close to home.)" I finished. Elena and Joey started to argue and I walked away. I just wanted to stay at home.

In Colombia.

With my family.


"If we need backup, or if you do, we're a tap away." Mack said as he held out two watches. We all stood at the exit of the Quinjet. We both took the watches and I put mine on. Elena stared  at hers and smiled. She looked up at Mack,

"Backup." She smiled again, "I'm, I'm sorry for kidnapping you." I backed away from the two to let them have their moment.

"I'll see you soon , Yo-Yo." He smiled at her.

"Goodbye Mack."

"Goodbye." He said quietly. As we both started to walk away I heard Daisy call out,

"Bye Cece!" I looked back and smiled at her,

"Bye." I turned back around and looked at my sister. She smiled at me and I smiled back as we walked off the plane.

Cece and Yo-Yo, I liked the sound of that.

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