Chapter 8

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"Así que lo invitaste a subir y luego te fuiste?(So you invited him up and then just left?)" Elena asked Joey. We were all in the elevator riding down.

"Si, soy el peor. (Yeah, I'm the worst.)" We all chuckled, "Creo qué hay al menos seis tipos fuera. ¿Ustedes dos?( I think there are at least five guys out there. You two?)" Joey asked.

"En un pasillo?( In one hallway?)" Elena asked him.

"Cuatro." She said with much confidence.

"Voy a decir seis.( I'm going to say six.)" I said. The elevator The elevator door opened and outside are six guards we're waiting pointing their guns at us.

Joey stoped the bullets while I grabbed their guns and Elena knocked them out, putting the cuffs on them.

We all smirked at each other and kept moving through the base.


We started to head up the ramp to the Zephyr, now with Lincoln holding onto Gidion Mallek. Suddenly a wrench hit Joey in the head knocking him down.

"Joey!" Elena yelled. I look to see a man standing there. Before he could do anything Daisy jumped down holding onto a chain using her powers to knock him out.

" I said I'd come to you." She said, " you okay?" She asked Joey. I grabbed Joey's hands and pulled him up to his feet.

"Yeah go, go, go." He said following us deeper into the plane. Daisy, Elena, and I all climbed up the ladder.


Elena knocked on the door that held Mack and the rest of his team,

"Hello?" She asked. The door opened to reveal Mack standing there. He opened it wider when he saw us.

"Mack." Elena smiled big. I saw two men and two women also in the room.

"It's good to see you again. You look well." She finished. I turned around at the sound of footsteps to see Daisy coming up behind us.

"I'm doing real good now." He replied, smiling at her. He nodded in my direction with a small smile, one that I returned his way. Daisy pushed past Elena and walked into the room.

"What took you so long?" One of the men asked.

"Sorry, had to get the band back together." She looked at the others, " got anyone who can fly this thing?" A woman with dark hair started to get up with a slight limp.

"May you can't even walk!" A woman with brown hair and an English accent said.

"But I can still fly." The woman who was named May responded.


Back in the locker room we all listened to Elena as she was retelling Daisy and Lincoln what happened at the base.

"Elevator door opens. He comes out. Bullets. Boom, Boom, Boom! And soldiers, ahh!" Elena said causing everyone to laugh.

"This man!" Elena said shoving Joey playfully. She then put her arm around my shoulder and mine went around her back.

"Hey, I just stopped the bullets, but you two dropped 'em down."

"No, you guys all did so good." Daisy praised, "We were asked for a miracle, and we came through. You're a hell of a team." I looked over at Elena,

"You okay?" Daisy pointed out a wound on her thigh.

"Oh! I didn't feel it." She said just noticing the wound. "You run fast, things happen huh."

"Yeah. You sure you're alright?" I asked my sister.

"Yeah." She responded. Lincoln walked over to Joey,

"Hey. Thanks for having my back when I went down. You saved me." Joey nodded at him. "Daisy's right it was a good day."

"No, when you grab the head of Hydra, it's a great day." Daisy cut in.

"You think he'll give us anything?" Joey asked Daisy.

"Well Coulson's questioning him now. Soon you'll get cleared to go home, but if he talks, we might be on another mission." Daisy told him then looked towards all of us smiling. He nodded then walked away.

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