Chapter 5

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I looked up from the floor and see the same three people standing around talking. I looked over to Elena then back down to the floor. Elena reached out took my hand in hers. I looked back at her and she gave me a half smile. I returned her smile just as the door to the box was opened. The big man stepped in and Elena and I stoop up and followed him out. I saw Elenas gaze transfixed on something. I followed her gaze to the body in front of us.

"I'm sorry." He said. I grabbed my sisters hand as we both started to mourn the loss of our cousin.


The two of us were standing by Fernandos body. I gently stroked his cheek with my hand.

The two men slowly approach led us. The brunette woman standing farther back.

"Uh Joey's here um" Joey made a gesture with his hands. Elena nodded knowing he is here to translate.

"Here's the thing. It's not something I talk about, but like you both, I rely on my faith." Joey, as I now learned his name is, translated his words for us.

"And somehow, I never made the connection till you said it. But, maybe these powers, these gifts that the both of you have, that Daisy has, maybe they're not random."  While Joey was translating the man continues,

"Maybe it's part of a plan."

"Creo, cree mi hermana, que tenemos el deber de usar estos dones, de hacerlo mejor. (I believe, my sister believes, that we have a duty, to use these gifts, to do better.)"

"They believe they are meant to do good with with these gifts." Joey says to everyone.

"We believe the same thing. We need to help each other, to stop them." Elena and I glandes at each other, at Fernandos body, then back to each other. She nodded at me.

"They're in."

"How do your powers work?" Daisy asks chiming in.

"Elena's are connected to her pulse." Joey tells them.

"And what does that mean? What's the radius on your her powers?" The man I still do not know the name of asked.

"As far as she can go in one heartbeat." They all look at each other.

"What about you?" Daisy asked me.

"la misma cosa. excepto que no me recupero. (The same except I don't bounce back.)"

"Huh that's interesting that your powers are so similar. Maybe it's a twin thing." She said.

"Hey put the three of you together and you got the Powerpuff Girls." The man joked.

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