Chapter 13

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After the whole Hive debacle Elena and I decided to go back home for a bit until things at SHEILD calmed down. We made our way back into the base to see Coulson and some general standing there.

"Welcome back Rodriguez's." Coulson greeted as we walked up to him. The general was a tall man with graying hair and a stern look on his face.

"Director Coulson." My sister said seeming a bit distracted. I send a small smile in Coulson's direction.

"Mack couldn't be here, he sends his regards." I turned my attention from Coulson to the man next to him,

"This is Brigadier General Talbot, acting head of the ATCU. He's here to-" Coulson started but Elena cut him off,

"I know why he's here." Elena started, "We watch the news." I finished.

"We found the Rodriguez's in Colombia," Coulson explained to Talbot, "This one here was being a real thorn in the side of the drug cartels, using her powers to clean up the neighborhood, to fight the good fight."

"Put us on your list, there will be a price on your head." Elena countered, a hard look on her face.

"Nobody would ever find out about it." Talbot said, speaking up for the first time since we arrived.

"Ingenuo. (Naive)." I mumbled to Elena as we walked past the two men. Before we could get any farther Coulson called us back,

"Elena, Cecelia, the general would like to see what you can do." A small whooshing noise was heard causing me to smirk.

"Anytime." The general said making me smirk more.
Elena smirked as well and held up the part of his uniform that she stole. Talbot looked down where it was, then to Coulson, finally back to us. Elena handed me his color bar and I run it back to him. I hand it to him, send him a wink, and then run back to Elena.

"Thank you." Coulson said and we both turn and walk away.

"Stupid general." I muttered to Elena. She looked at me and we both busted out laughing.


After walking deeper into the base Elena suddenly stopped.

"I see Mack." She stated.

"We'll go get him. I'm not stopping you." And with that I was left alone in the hallway. I sighed and continued my way to the break room. On my way I ran into a familiar face.

"Hello May." I said as I approached her.

"Hey." She nodded.

"Where's your sister?" She asked me.

"She's off flirting with Mack." To my surprise she gave a chuckle. We ended up walking together in comfortable silence until a red light started to beep.


We ended up running into Coulson, Talbot, and Elena in the hall.

"What's happening." I asked.

"Hothead is loose, and getting help from Swazy Daisy." Talbot responded looking from us to Coulson. I have to hold in a laugh at the generals nicknames for Lincoln and Daisy. This dosent seem like the time for laughs.

"He's not going anywhere. The base is sealed and Fitz is freezing her out of the lock-down protocol." Coulson told the group.

"There's still another way. The way you two came in." May told Coulson, panic slightly evident in her voice.

"Nobody knows about that except you, me, and now General Talbot."

"Are you sure?"

"Go check it out. Make sure it's secure." With that May turned to my sister and I,

"Come with me." The three of us all turned around, following May's lead.


Coulson, Talbot, Fitzsimmons, and I followed behind Elena as she ran towards Mack.

"I'm thinking I'm not the inhuman whisperer." Mack groaned. We looked up to see the quinjet taking off.

"Lincoln?" Coulson asked. Mack nodded.

"You run a tight ship Coulson." Talbot said to Coulson.

"Daisy's out of the system." Fitz announced.

"Well that's good because I'm gonna call the president and have that thing shot out of the sky." Talbots tone of voice rising slightly.

"I'm afraid I can't let you make that call." Coulson told Talbot.

"Are you threatening me after you just let him escape?" Talbot challenged.

"He didn't escape." A new voice called out. We all turn to see May walking into the hanger. But she's not alone. There was Lincoln in the flesh standing right next to her.

"Well if he wasn't on that jet that just flew out of here, then who the hell was?" Talbot pointed a finger at Lincoln.

"Desperate times, desperate measures." The Calvary responded.


"We knew Daisy was listening as monitoring our every move, so we couldn't tell anyone." We are all gathered in the kitchen while Lincoln and May explained what just happened.

"She had to believe it was all real." Lincoln finished.

"I communicated with him by leaving messages on his food trays."

"You forgot the message about not hurting his friend." Elena interrupted.

"Sorry, Mack." Lincoln told the man sympathetically, "I didn't have any other option."

"Mack wasn't supposed to be there." May explained.

"Excuse me for doing my job." Mack rolled his eyes.

"The plan depended on Daisy listening to everything so that she'd trust me. And believe that I really wanted out."

"You had me fooled." Talbot admitted .

"Even though I wanted to, I never trusted Daisy. Not under Hives control. I knew that she wouldn't be the one to greet me, not matter what she said."

"But what about the other risks? Lash could kill Daisy. Did you stop to think about that?" Mack asked.

"It's a risk we had to take." Lincoln let out a sigh, "But he had the opportunity once before, and he let her go. I don't think he's meant to kill her."

"Who put him on the quinjet?" I asked, speaking up.

"I did while Coulson was keeping you distracted." May responded. Talbot turned to Coulson,

"You knew about this?"

"I run a tight ship."

Talbot sighed before continuing,

"Why do you think this Lash can defeat Hive? And who in tarnation names these things?"

"Every inhuman is here for a reason and serves a purpose." Lincoln told Talbot.

Suddenly Daisy's voice broke through the comms,

"Ragtag base, come in. This is Agent Daisy Johnson. I'm coming home. Repeat- I'm coming home."


The main door to the base opened to reveal an extremely pale Daisy. All life seemed to have been drained from her. Her skin was almost grey and her bones protruded from her body. The two agents led her towards the group.

"Oh Daisy." I muttered, staring at her in horror. When she met the group it's Coulson who speaks up,

"Welcome back Agent Johnson."


Hey guys! I didn't even realize that I put an entire episode into one chapter. Tell me of you liked it this way or if it is better broken up like my previous chapters.

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