Chapter 3

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"Chairs an upgrade. At least there's that." The man said.

"No sé qué estás diciendo.(I don't know what your saying.)" Elena said while looking through his wallet.

Elena showed me an ID card she found in his wallet.

"¿Eres militar de los EE. UU.? (Are you U.S military?)" I asked him showing him the card.

"Sé que no estás con la policía.(I know you are not with the police.)" Elena told him.

"Policía? Yeah. You stole pistolas from the policía and sold the pistolas to your amigos. Criminal." He scoffed.

"¿Me?  ¿Soy el criminal?(Me? I'm the criminal?)"

"Yeah you whoosh whoosh. You're a criminal. I'm sure you've done some bad stuff too whoosh whoosh number two."

"no soy un criminal. (I am not a criminal.)" I said, offended.

"No haríamos eso.  No usaríamos nuestros dones para cometer un pecado.( We would not do that.  We would not use our gifts to commit sin.)" She told him.

" Son un regalo de Dios.( They are a gift from God.)" Elena explained.

"Dios? You think God did this?"

"Si Dios." Elena says.

"You think it was a gift from Dios or pescado"

"Pescado?"  Elena and I asked in unison.

"Yeah fish. I know my way around a menu."

"Eso es lo que estaba cenando cuando ... pase lo que pase( That's what I was having for dinner when ... whatever that was happened.)"

"Estaba tratando de disfrutar los tacos de pescado...(I was trying to enjoy fish tacos...)" I explained, not even sure if the man knew what we were saying.

"Se sentía como rocas arrastrándose por mi cuerpo.( It felt like rocks crawling on my body)" Elena described. 

"asfixiándome en ella. (Suffocating me in it.)" I said, adding on to what my sister was saying.

"I think your talking about Terrigenesis." He told us.

"Terrigenesis?" Elena asked.

"Yeah. Your both aliens. My partners one too." A loud rumbling started shaking the room. "You'll see her soon enough." The door suddenly bursted off its hindges. Three people decked out all black stood in the doorframe. One, man with short brown hair, the next a woman with curled blonde hair and in the middle a woman with short brown hair.  Elena went to use her powers but ran into some sort of invisible wall. The people all rushed into the room. I backed up slightly.

"Thank God." They brown haired woman said.

"Hey you." The blonde said. I used my powers to take the blondes gun and pointed it at her.

"There's another one?" The blonde questioned. The brunette woman pulled out a gun with blue accents and pointed it at me.

"It's nothing personal." She said before everything went dark.

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