Steve told me...

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Bucky had been gone for the last three weeks on a mission with Clint. Elena thought she'd been doing well by taking all of her pent up sexual energy out by working out and training.

Apparently not.

It was after Elena went through a group of new recruits worse than a drill instructor making one agent actually cry that Natasha had informed her all it's done was make her into a sexual rage monster.

None of the calls and sexy texts from Bucky were doing anything for Elena other than making it that much harder to be without him. She wasn't usually this bad when one of them was away on a long mission, but he had gotten very creative this time. It started out with their normal teasing texts and pictures the first week. Just enough to make her miss him.

The second week he had started using the deep commanding voice he used when he took charge in the bedroom. Telling Elena all of the things he would be doing to her if he was at home with her. She'd been surprised at first because he never liked doing phone sex. When she had suggested it not long into their relationship he said it was pointless since he couldn't actually see or touch her. Elena was most definitely enjoying this new side of him and she had definitely masturbated along to each of his very detailed descriptions and heavy breathing.

A few days ago Bucky told Elena that he wanted her to share her fantasies with him because when he got home he wanted to do something fun for her birthday. She'd been speechless and kind of embarrassed telling Bucky she'd think about it and get back to him.

All of this fantasy talk felt like he was working himself up for something. What that was Elena didn't know. All of these sexy conversations had finally given her the courage to tell him though. So tonight she would if he asked her.

Elena didn't normally have a hard time telling Bucky anything, but telling theobe of her life that she wanted him and another man to have crazy sex with her filled Elena with anxiety. Since talking to Nat and Wanda, Elena had started to look at the men she knew in a different light.

How could she not? Obviously it had to be no one in a relationship and someone she found sexually appealing.

That cut the list way down.

Then she had to think about what if they didn't keep their mouth shut and it got around the Compound or worse, out to the public? The list became very small.

Well there was only one man to be specific, but how do you tell the man you love that on top of wanting two men to fuck you senseless you wanted to do it with his best friend?

To be the sole focus of their desire.

Every kiss.

Every caress.

All just for her.

That she wanted all of that with him and his best friend? She didn't want to ruin their relationship just by suggesting it or god forbid something bad happens when they do anything or after. She could lose one or both. Could she risk asking for this just to lose her happy ever after?

Laying in their bed dressed in an old ratty band t-shirt and black leggings instead of the usual sexy outfit she's been wearing for their video calls she let out a deep breath. Dressed down like this was kind of like a shield of some sort. If this conversation didn't end well she so did not want to be mostly naked. God, she was nervous as hell. Here's hoping she wasn't about to ruin her relationship or Bucky and Steve's. Or hers and Steve's friendship.

The ringtone for the video call started playing, tearing her out of her dizzying thoughts. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Answering with what she hopes is a convincing smile. "Buna ziua frumoa." (Hello handsome)

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