Over protective husbands

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Two months later

"Fucking asshole, that hurt!"

Pushing the dick who had just juked her off of her lower half, Elena took a second to get her bearings before rushing to get up. He'd feinted like he was going to duck her knife attack and then he'd barreled right into her, causing Elena to smack her head and back hard into the brick wall behind her. A little dazed she took a long second to shake back into herself as a wave of nausea hit her.

She had at least a mild concussion, she thought to herself. Wonderful now she had to be extra vigilant and it now warranted a conversation with her worry wort husbands'. Leaning down she pulled her knife from the now dead man's throat and wiped it on his coat before sheathing it back into her thigh holster.

Her head and back really hurt and they weren't even close to being finished yet  Stepping over his dead body, Elena pulled out her gun and got back into it. Stealthily making her way down the dimly lit hall towards the room with the hostages. The plan was to try to arrest or her preference, take out the assholes who planned on killing or trying to maim her. The main part of the plan was for her and Sam to save the women and children being held by these sick shits who were trying to sex traffick them.

While she was here Sam was busy trying to quietly wrangle the hostages out of the building while she was tasked with taking care of the bad guys. Elena peeked into a room two doors down from where Sam had told her he was. Yup, it was full of assholes. Five by her count.

Alrighty, time to have some fun.

Holstering her gun, Elena drew out her knife casually strolling in and greeted the men sitting around laughing. "Hiya, fellas."

At their dumbfounded expressions she flipped her knife back and forth from hilt to blade and back again. "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just here to kick your asses."

What little amusement some of them had expressed slowly died as she walked further into the room. She flipped the knife over in her hand for a better grip on the handle and motions for them to get up. "We gonna dance or what? I've got a tight schedule to keep."

Glancing at each other for a second, they all get up and rush at her. Her adrenaline spiked, making her grin with anticipation. Elena quickly stabbed the first guy on her right twice. Once in the femoral artery for being a sick piece of shit. The second was to his side, probably nicking his kidney. Done with him in a matter of seconds she turned to her second dance partner.

Stabbing him in the neck quickly. Elena dreamily sighs as she pulls out her knife as she's reminded of her dance partner from five minutes ago... Focus Elena. Throwing said knife at the man farthest away from her she smiles when the blade sinks to the hilt in his chest.


That just left two more. They were now a little more hesitant to come at her, but drew their guns anyway. You'd think that that would have been the first thing they had grabbed... Oh well, you can't fix stupid.

Being quick on the draw she has her gun cleared of it's holster before they can fully aim at her. Shooting douche number four three times like she'd been taught. Twice in the chest, once in the head.

Now number five was a little rude. He'd actually managed to shoot her. Sure, it was a graze, but it made her mad. She must be about to start her period because she was feeling kind of ragey lately and he done pissed her the fuck off. "You ripped my suit and made me bleed."

Tisking at him like he was a naughty child Elena wasted no time in finishing him off.

Holstering her gun, she double checked the room for any intel that might lead them to more pervs trying to sell women and children. Not finding anything else she headed back out to help Sam rolling her tight shoulders and tender back.

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