Buna dimineața, Iubirea mea

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"Buna dimineața, Iubirea mea." Bucky hears Elena's voice whisper as he opens his eyes to see her beautiful face. (Good morning, baby)

Stretching a little he smiles at her. "Buna dimineața, frumoasă." (Good morning, beautiful)

Rolling over to check the time he sees it's 7:30 AM. Elena and his body's internal clock woke him up at the usual time. Bucky mentally shrugs. He's functioned on less sleep before. Turning back he sees Steve was still asleep. Buck raised his eyebrows at Elena. "What exactly did you do to get him to sleep past 6 o'clock?"

She just laughs and winks at him. Steve's muffled moan let's Bucky know their bodies were still connected. Elena whispers for him to scoot back and watch. He grinned knowing what she planned on doing as he's been on the receiving end of her sexy wake up calls many times before.

Snuggling in closer so that her mouth is just under his ear she gives Steve's neck a quick kiss. As Bucky sat up to scoot back, he saw her nip at the spot her lips had been pressed to and let out a breathy moan as she buried the fingers of her left hand into his hair. Gently tugging on it she moans out. "Stevie, wake up. I have a surprise for you."

His friend's reaction was visceral at the sound of her voice and the feeling of her body. He knows the whole time she's tightening and loosening her inner muscles around Steve's cock that was still buried within her core.

The other man's body shudders, his arms tightening briefly around Elena. He buries his face into her neck taking in her scent and sighs happily. Without opening his eyes he rolls her fully onto her back with his face still buried in the right side of her neck. Steve rocks his hips deeper into her. "Waking up like this isn't a surprise since this is how I woke up yesterday, Sweetheart." Elena's laugh was throaty from disuse.

"God! I both love and hate when you laugh when I'm inside you." He lifts his head to look at her. This is when Steve finally notices that they aren't alone anymore. "Bucky! When did you get home?"

Buck can see by his grin that he's excited to see him, but is slightly caught off guard. Seeing as he's currently buried deep inside his girlfriend's body.

Steve starts to pull out of Elena much to her protest. She wraps her legs tightly around his hips, her heels crossed above his ass. "No, don't go!" She pouts up at him. He looks over at Bucky to see what he wants him to do.

Buck smiled at him, settling his back up against the headboard. "You heard the birthday girl."

Steve smiles back at him, but Bucky knows his friend well enough to know he's a little nervous at him actually being next to them this time. Impatient, Elena starts rolling her hips as best she could from underneath the other man's large body that's pinning her to the bed. Steve's eyes snap back down to Elena's. He starts breathing quickly, bowing his head and briefly closes his eyes, but not before Buck saw the blue of his irises being swallowed by the black of his pupils.

His focus was solely now on Elena as he moved over and inside her. Watching the two of them makes Bucky hard like the first time he saw them together. It was one thing to watch them over the phone. It's completely another thing to see it up close and personal. And Bucky was most definitely enjoying the view.


She reached out a hand to clutch at the sheets as Steve slowly ground his hips against her clit with every slow, deep thrust and found Bucky's right hand. In a haze of lust she looks over at the man she loves watching their best friend make love to her. Elena intertwined their hands and brought his hand up to her lips. Unlinking them to kiss his palm before pulling his middle finger into her mouth and sucking on it.

His friend's moan catches Steve's attention. Lifting his head from her shoulder to see what she was doing and gets an idea. With a smile he lifts her up forcing Elena to let go of Buck's hand. He turns her around so that she's now facing Bucky on all fours with him behind her. His best friend slides over until Elena's face and upper body are between his thighs.

Steve grips his left hand on her hip and uses his right to guide himself back inside her. Steve bottoms out as she does the same down the length of Bucky's member until he's fully seated down her throat. Elena matches Steve's slow thrusts with her mouth on Bucky.

Using her mouth, tongue, throat and hands to quickly bring Bucky to the level of arousal they were already at. His hands became buried in her hair, pulling it up and out of the way so he could watch her work his cock with her sinful mouth that felt like heaven. Elena felt his thighs start to tremble as he got closer to his peak. She pulls back until she takes her mouth fully off of him. He whines in protest trying to guide her back. "Faster Stevie, harder. James' close and I want us all to come together."

Both men moan at her words.

"Anything you want, Sweetheart." Steve says, picking up his pace trying to find the right angle to hit her g-spot. It takes him a moment to find it, but find it he does.

Elena went back to doing exactly what she was doing to Bucky when she stopped, but faster to match Steve's pace. Just as she found her rhythm Steve connects with her g-spot making her moan around Bucky's cock.

He gasps out. "Whatever you're doing Steve, don't stop! Doamne, nu te opri, Dragă!" He tells them both, throwing back his head in absolute bliss. (God, don't stop, baby)

Steve does as Bucky says and keeps up his pace over Elena's g-spot bringing her faster than anticipated. She screams and moans her release around Bucky's cock sending vibrations through him that she knew would have him coming soon. Her body was shaking and bucking at the intensity of her climax.

"Dracu Dragă!" He shouts while Steve grips her hips harder who's thrusts start to become sloppy as Elena's inner walls clenched tightly around him. (Fuck baby!)

"God Elena.. you're so tight!"

Bucky helps her to keep up her pace. Guiding her up and down his shaft. She can tell he's almost there.

"Steve, one more time. Together this time. Poți face acel copil? încă o dată, Dragă?" (Can you do that baby? One more time sweetheart.)

Elena moans, nodding her head as best she could while Steve tries to find his rhythm to get back to her g-spot, but he's too close to his release. Taking his left right hand off of her hip he reached around for her clit, gasping out. "I'm not gonna last much longer!"

Bucky's chest was heaving as he replied. "Me either!"

As Steve works Elena's clit it quickly brings her to her climax in moments. It was as she moaned out her release that she pushed her face all the way down until her lips were touching Bucky's pelvis, triggering his climax.

Steve comes a moment after Bucky. His hips slamming into Elena harder than he's ever done before. The combination of his fingers on her clit and the feeling of them both releasing inside her body triggers one more climax. Causing all of them to shout and moan in pleasure.

Carefully Steve pulls himself from Elena's body and collapses to the bed next to them. Bucky maneuvers her so she's laying on her back and moves so he's on the other side of her putting Elena in the middle of them. They all just lay there trying to relearn how to breathe.

"Buna dimineața, Dragă." Elena chuckles and looks at him since she can't move the rest of her body just yet. (Happy birthday, baby)

"O zi de naștere foarte fericită într-adevăr!" (A very happy birthday indeed)

Steve puts his hand on her stomach to get her attention. "And for those of us who don't speak Romanian, please."

Bucky laughs. "I wished her a happy birthday and she said, a very happy birthday indeed."

He huffs out a laugh. "Oh yeah. A very happy birthday to you, Sweetheart and to think this is just your wakeup gift. Just wait until tonight."

Elena smiles at them both and say's. "I can't wait."

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