Missing Out

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Today was the day they would find out the genders of the twins. Steve, Elena and Bucky were beyond excited because they only had a few more hours and they'd find out what they were having. After their appointment was their baby shower where the genders would be revealed to all of their friends and family. Elena was mainly excited because then she could start buying clothes and they could officially have names for the babies.

He smiled at the thought of their pregnant wife. She was really starting to show now Elena's stomach had grown so much over the last two months. Steve would find himself watching more often than not because she walked around their apartment in her underwear and a tank top because she was always hot now. The sight of their wife's growing belly filled with their children had him finding himself exponentially turned on at all times.

She would just be walking by and as she would turn to the side he could see the bump that housed their babies and he'd be so filled with love and amazement for this woman. He would watch her walking or talking with their friends and she would absentmindedly run her hands over her stomach and he'd be instantly turned on.

He couldn't get enough of her. Every chance he got he would sneak off to fuck her. Elena didn't mind, she was as horny for him and Bucky as they were for her. Steve had thought her sexual appetite before was a lot, but being pregnant seemed to bring it out of her times ten.

The littlest thing would set her off. They would just be doing everyday things like washing the dishes and she'd drag them to the bedroom or strip them right there. That's not to mention the surprise visits to the nearest supply closets, conference rooms or his own office...

As much as he loved the sex with her he was just as happy with their family. Steve and Bucky loved to lay in bed with her and rub their hands over her stomach as they talked to the twins for hours. They would play music and sing or just talk while Elena would run her fingers through their hair. It was his favorite time of day. Getting to be alone with his family. He hated having to leave them for missions which he seemed to be going on more and more frequently. It had Steve rethinking his decision to still be on active duty.


Sitting in his office going over his report from yesterday's mission one more time Steve was distracted by a surprise visit from Maria. Knocking on his door to catch his attention she greeted him as she came inside. "Hey, Cap."

Looking up, Steve smiled at her as he set the report down on his desk. "Hey Maria, how's it going?"

She glanced down with a look he would have said was guilty if he didn't know better. "I really hate to do this to you, but there's a mission you're needed for. As in today."

His brow furrowed when he looked down at the file in her hands. Again? But today was an important day. "When and how long?"

She walked over with the file holding it out for him to take. "You need to head out in the next thirty minutes. If things go smoothly you should be back by the end of the day, at worst a few days. I'm so sorry, Steve. I know today is the baby shower."

Avoiding her gaze he kept his on the open file he was holding. He would be headed to Colorado to take out a base of operations for what Fury thought was a terrorist sleeper cell. They needed him now because the whispers SHIELD agents had heard were that they had a plan to blow up Denver's capitol building and it was to happen sometime in the next few days.

I'm sorry, Steve. Really I tried to get someone else on this, but the governor specifically requested you and he's adamant that no one else will do." He waved away her comment knowing she would have done her best to get him out of it.

"It's fine, Maria. I know you would have done what you could to let me stay. I uh, I need to grab my go bag and say goodbye. Here's the file from yesterday." Handing her the one he'd just finished and taking the one she gave him with him as he left his office, her apologies followed him out the door.

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